Jeet Kune Do You Know

Decoding Jeet Kune Do algorithm

Security Health Finance

What is the secret algorithm of Jeet Kune Do? It starts with learning how to predict your future. First of all it's impossible to predict the future. But you can predict the future! By realizing you don't have to. The trick is to set yourself up in a way so as to not require prediction, therefore you are, predicting.

If you lived in a place where you didn't need money -You would be rich. You don't need to win. Just don't lose. At that rate, you won.

As the historian Sir Michael Howard observed, "No matter how clearly one thinks, it is impossible to anticipate precisely the character of future conflict. The key is to not be so far off the mark that it becomes impossible to adjust once that character is revealed." 

We're not going to predict the future we're going to intercept it. The "interception" amplify a human ability. Steve Jobs said in 1980, "We are building tools that amplify a human ability." Jeet Kune Do is always about how to amplify a human ability. Clear your mind, eliminate static. This frees up your fullest energy to apply to the task at hand. Bruce insinuates this helps favor you in the "situation."

Situation? Life is your situation. What is life, our existence? Our now? He has referred to the universe as "is." Look out there, things just "is." You can call it faith, fate, science, whatever you want to call it we wake up everyday and swim through it, a sea of algorithms, to the next bedtime.

Your biggest fear in life is not the fear. It is the surprise.
-Chris Carter

"Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels soooo good when I stop." That sounds pretty illogical but that's what happens when the only tool you have is a hammer. Everything looks like a nail. Compulsions feel useful and good. The consequences do not.

What does it take to see when you're taking one step forward and two steps backward thinking that's progress? Credit is not income.

How do you avoid the inevitable? You don't. Surprise by definition means you lost, its over, you're done before you even begun. Power is about winning, prediction is about avoiding the fight.

What should one do? Put your Self, in a lane, in a margin. How to get into this "lane" or margin as I like to call it. As you get older you shed bad relationships edit bad people bad things, shed negativity. You'll find the people around you are getting better and better because they too are shedding the negative and you all are herded together, into this lane.

The idea is to let life make decisions for you. Make every decisions become a no-brainer. Get out of your own way let life happen. Once you build your security health finance algorithm you will unknowingly be creating situations where "decisions" are so obvious they bascially make themselves for you.

Facts and decisions. Are they:

1.) True

2.) Meaningful

3.) Useful

If you have no debts and live in America you are rich. Having no debts helps put you in "the lane" because it means less problems to deal with. Stay out of debt add more healthy eating, add exercise, build your financial literacy. These things help you build a system of "prediction error" said a professor talking to Sam Harris. As you attempt to do the right thing the errors act as feedback to hold you, steer you, on course. This is using geospatial link analysis with data visualization. The better you do the easier it gets.


Once Upon A Time In Quentin Tarantino's Mind.

I don't understand why Quentin didn't use the real Bruce Lee version of the on Set incident. It was true and it was funny!  I'm talking about the set of Green Hornet with stunt man Gene LaBelle. It was funny as hell and really happened once upon a time in Hollywood.

I guess the real life on Set incident would not have worked because Quentin said the scene was about shaping the Cliff Booth character more than it was about making Bruce Lee look vulnerable, weak or silly. Whatever. Quentin. Call me, we can still fix the scene.

Most people only know Bruce Lee as this kickass fighter. Most peopel don't know the film "technique" that Quentin was using in that film. I didn't. Once I read Quentin explain it then I GOT IT. The whole movie is about Brad Pitt Cliff booth, not anybody else. The problem I see is that he gives the bad guys (Manson Murderers) the same treatment he does the good guys (Bruce Lee). That doesn't make sense. They can't be treated the same if you want to be consistant. The collateral damage of doing this pisses off Bruce Lee fans. You wouldn't show Evel Knievel doing something soooo stupid and killing himself -for nothing? You wouldn't show Frank Zappa on stage and forgetting his lines. Quentin. Call me, we can still fix the scene.

For one thing Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth is standing there feet together like a bowling pin. A Jeet Kune Do sidekick especially one from a Bruce Lee would have sent bowling pin Brad over the car. He barely falls down in the scene. When Brad Cliff throws Bruce into the car door it crumples like tin foil and Bruce is uninjured. Be real man, that was a 1960’s car. Those car doors were made of steel not like cheap car doors today. To cause those dents would have crushed rib bones. It was like a cartoon. Quentin knows most people don’t know and don’t care and his story structure is more important. Go for the drama. See I know how to make Hollywood movies. Not really.


I only heard Bruce Lee say once, about his belief in god. He didn't talk about it. I think we all assumed he was Buddhist or some variation. Why do so many people religious or not like him? It's because his whole life and philosophy is about the human being at such a basic level that anyone can relate religious or not. You're first job in life is to protect your Self.

When you're life is attacked and threatened things just got real. It's a matter that comes before religion before politics, before the ability to even think at all. Everyone can relate to that. There's no racism in the foxhole. No time for that! So why isn't it this way out in life? Because there is so much time for that. Along with plenty of media, tech companies, opportunists, exploiting us with our time. For that.

There is no "woke" stuff in the Foxhole like the politicians want you to believe there is. This bit about the military "has gone woke" is dodgey. Don't confuse woke with corrupt. If a contractor company can sell something not wanted or not needed, they will do it. The military is not going to make every vehicle electric just because it's woke. They may do it because they got scammed. The military and the CIA don't think of Climate Change as a woke thing. Talking woke is like arguing about the deck chairs on the Titanic. In fact, even using that word woke is a scam (to sell you something). It's either science or it's not.

Left and Right Political Parties "swing" back and forth. We need that. We need both Parties. What we don't need is one party trying to break the swing. Need I say more. No.
sEE yEh oH.

Google's Deep Mind AI Lab

Deep Mind discovers organic algorithm. Is it possible that Bruce Lee knew about this organic algorithm back in 1973 and the Google Lab only just got it now? It took Googles Deep Mind Lab three AI's before they figured out "limitations" and "No Rules as Rules." Had they just read up on Jeet Kune Do about "No Way as Way" and limitation they would have got it the first time out. These are organic algorithms Bruce is talking about and what Deep Mind discovered.

Google has a Lab to teach AI, can we humans learn like AI does? Jiddu Krisnamurti talks about a type pf learning that is different from accumulating knowledge. Is this what MuZero does? Is this what Bruce Lee talks about?

It Started With a Contest

The Deep Mind team said, “It’s been a longstanding challenge for the AI research community to try and master this game called Go. Humanity wins because the advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning will make each, and every other, human being in the entire world smarter, more capable - just better human beings.”

The game of Chess became no match for AI because there is a finite number of moves. Seeing who can remember the most moves is not the best way to fight. This is what Bruce Lee said about traditional martial arts. Google invented an AI that doesn't use "past moves" like IBM Big Blue did with Chess.

Enter -a new AI. Can AI beat the 2,500 year old Chinese game called, “Go”? It was thought no computer will ever beat a top human Go player.

The number of positions in Go has been calculated to be approximately vastly greater than the number of atoms in the known, observable universe. This demonstrates that pro human Go players don't use the ole remember all the moves trick (Bruce Lee said don't do that).

Googles Deep Mind Lab created an AI called “AlphaGO” and it beat the world’s best Go player. How did it do that?

It remembered only enough moves to beat the human. The AI learned by playing millions of recorded past games.

Just then a very clever research guy said hmm maybe that goal, beat a human, is actually a limitation rather than progress? Maybe he read the Tao of Jeet Kune Do and he was thinking the same way about "limitation."

Effort within the mind further limits the mind, because effort implies struggle towards a goal and when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind.
 - Bruce Lee

I mean c'mon look at that. It's almost like Bruce Lee figured this out back in 1973 and Google's Deep Mind Lab had to make three AI's before they got it right. Their first one AlphaGo, learned to beat a human, and that’s all it did. They thought what if we didn't give it a goal?

Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation.
 - Bruce Lee

Deep Mind made a new AI version called, AlphaGoZero. They didn't tell it to go learn the human past moves. They just told it to win the game. They freed the AI from limitation.

AlphaGoZero was taught starting from nothing. Just by playing itself. Over and over. Playing against itself it could anticipate its own moves and how those moves would affect the game's outcome.

What difference does it make on how it won?

AlphaGo accumulated knowledge from many past human moves. Whereas AlphaGO Zero did not do that. It had to actually “learn” how to win.


“Learning is something entirely different from accumulating knowledge; learning is always active present. Knowledge is always in the past. That which has been learnt has already become a static thing.” Sound familiar? Bruce Lee got that from Jiddu Krisnamurti.

Krisnamurti said, "Learning is a movement, a flow; and there is no flow the moment there is a static state of knowledge." Which is essential when we function technologically. But life isn't technological accumulation. He said, "life is a movement, and to learn it and to follow it, one has to learn each moment. To learn, there is no accumulation."

Do not reduce reality to a static thing and then invent methods to reach it.
 - Bruce Lee

Learning is an act - an act of the active present. It is the verb to learn, it is a movement. Learning, and accumulating knowledge, are two different things. A mind that is acquiring knowledge, is never learning. Does he mean learning a foreign language without knowing the language? That's called, "TEFL." It's like going to a land where you don't need money, you would be rich. If you find that place let me know.

JKD followers will immediately recognize all that philosophy from Jiddu Krisnamurti. Bruce Lee made it easy for us by saying, "be like water."

I find it interesting that Jiddu says acquiring knowledge is not learning. He died in 1986. Jiddu never lived long enough to see we are in a new realm. The dynamic of artificial intelligence.

If AI can "acquire" so much run of the mill knowledge you may find your self in a situationally irrelevant situation. That is where Bruce Lee comes in and says, Do This. Boom. Done. Next. I think he was always trying to explain that to us. Cut to the chase. Simplicity.

I wrote and rewrote this page so many times its painful. That's why I never could put it in a book. Maybe Jiddu is telling me "acquiring" all this good stuff here is not really learning?


In the first three days AlphaGo Zero played 4.9 million games against itself in quick succession. It appeared to develop the skills required to beat top humans within just a few days, whereas the earlier AlphaGo took months of training (acquiring) to achieve the same level.

For comparison, the researchers also trained a version of AlphaGo Zero using past human games to create AlphaGo Master, and found that it learned more quickly, but actually performed more poorly in the long run. What does that say about human bias?

AlphaGoZero beat AlphaGO 100-0 and learned how in a fraction of the time.

Telling the AI to "beat a human brain" was thought of as such a great a goal. Look what happen when it went outside of human ranges and beyond human-ness. This is why we have to be careful with teaching AI.

AlphaGO learned from studying past Games. AlphaGoZero learned from only knowing the Rules. Now they have a new AI called, "MuZero."

Deep Mind Develops MuZero

DeepMind’s MuZero was created in order to overcome limitations by the two previous AI planning methods. MuZero was not given games, it was given no instructions. MuZero focuses on modeling only the aspects of the environment that are relevant for the algorithm to make its decisions.

Specifically, and according to DeepMind, MuZero models three elements that are key to the planner:

Value: how good is the current state?

Policy: which action should be the next one?

Reward: how good was the last action taken?

General Purpose AI

Compared to previous DeepMind’s algorithms such as AlphaGo or AlphaZero, MuZero was not given the known rules for the games or problems to challenge or to solve, making it, according to the researchers, “a significant step forward in the pursuit of general-purpose algorithms.” Everything from values to policies to rewards are completely learnt by the algorithm, not fed as previous knowledge.

What's the point of all this? AI's that play Games don't help us very much. The idea is to have a "general intelligence" AI that is useful to all humans. MuZero threw out the Rule Book so it can head toward generalization. It goes past human ranges.

Was Bruce Lee tapping into organic algorithms that go beyond human ranges? We can see these incredible algorithms in nature and in animals all the time. This means there are powerful algorithms floating around us right now, we just need to "see" them, and then use them.

This is why we have to be careful with teaching (freeing the AI) artificial intelligence. We have to be careful what we wish for. We live in tiny little ranges, AI doesn't have to do that.


The Digitally Literacy Exam. Open the exam here. This is an exercise in self communication. There are no wrong answers.

Bogart 9 Digital Literacy Exam



You can notice that no matter who you talk to it could be a plumber, a fighter pilot, a Biker, a peasant in India, someone on the left, soneone on the right, two people that hate each other, they all agree on Bruce Lee. Part of the reason is he gets in front of everything all cultures, all races, religions, all politics
, every socio human construct. He does this by being so pragmatic about defending your self, without talking about "against what"? There is no what in Jeet Kune Do. It's about you. People today want the "what" to be about something, a particular challenge, some particular opponent or some issue. There was no issue the issue is you. He gave up his studios and he was going to flush this out his philosophies in movies. The fact he passed away at his prime furthers the universal image because we never saw an old man, he's forever in his prime in our mind.

Ironically the more he talks about fighting without fighting the more we want to see fighting. The don't mess with him identity has such a wide spread that its just universal. It's the underdog you don't want to tangle with. He was like that Superhero everybody wants to be but he didn't look like The Rock or The Terminator he was just this skinny little guy.

Jeet Kune Do wasn't supposed to have an identity. He didn't even want to give it a name. Is there any similarities with this and what Alan Watts talks about? It's well known Bruce was a fan of Alan, they must have known about each other. Alan Watts describes deep Asian sensibilites of the Eastern view. Alan seems to refer to "getting ahead of everything" when he says children at birth are assigned an identity as opposed to being told of "reality." They live in this identity from their culture or tribe or religion or whatever. Wherever you live gives you their shared narrative you are born with.


Allan Watts touches upon this idea of reality when he talks about how society “assigns” children an identity when they are born. As opposed to telling them about reality. He says this creates a collision and a alienation of feeling that the world outside of human skin is a unfeeling, fully-automatic dysfunctional place. (you can see some of the Allan Watts speech at the bottom of this page)

Alan Watts is talking cognitive science and it wasn't invented yet. Same with Bruce Lee. In a sense the more vague Bruce Lee was about it the more powerful it becomes. He said each person has to figure out how to make it fit. Cognitive science is making this easier to understand. Once you get into it, everything looks different. The whole world never looks the same again. They need to put this down into the grade school level because corporations are letting it run amok upon us without our knowledge or permission. Once you understand how your mind and body work it's like looking at a road map and you can see all the roads along the way. You start to say HEY lets stop the car and switch directions. 

Metaphysics studies the boundary between potentiality and actuality. The cognitive boundary where reality meets perception. We all see it differently no two people have the same insight. How well do we know our selves? How well do we communicate with our self? Don't we politely assume everyone knows themselves?

Before you can honestly express your self you have to straighten out the honestly part first. You and your self. Everybody has a different definition of honestly. Psychological research suggests that all of us, in general, do not have good insight about how bad our insight is. The quality of our insight is based on the quality of our insight. This little quandary manifests itself differently in each person. It might be helping you. What if it's hurting you? One way out of this is, be somebody you're not. If you can do that then you're a professional actor and you're all set. The other way is go the other way, be closer to what you really are. What's so hard about doing that?

“Honestly expressing is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky and be flooded with a cocky feeling and then feel like pretty cool...or I can make all kind of phony things, you see what I mean, blinded by it or I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to that, my friend, is very hard to do.”
 - Bruce Lee

Honestly expressing yourself is difficult? What if I know how to do it I just am not doing it, that is different than I simply do not know how to do it. What if I don't know how to do it and somebody showed me, and then I know how to do it. That is different than I don't know (or know) and somebody shows me and then I still STILL don't know. How I know my self is important to know if you want to defend your self. If your own brain can bamboozle you then how can you keep other people from doing it?  

If you don't know you're lying then it's not lies. You want to know. You need to hack your own self before somebody else does. If you're spouse knows you better than you do that's a good thing. You could even call that love. You know who doesn't love you? Social media and large corporations are hacking all of us right now. I wish they would just be honest tell us everything and give a cut of the profit. Let's hold our breath for that. They’re trying to hang onto this unauthorized monopoly peddling our data as long as they can. The latest iPhone brought this to light lo and behold most people Opt Out.

Sooner or later each of us at some point reaches the limits of our expertise and knowledge. Those limits make our misjudgments that lie beyond those boundaries undetectable to us. Knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task—and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at that task.

Other studies show we are poor at judging whether we are overweight. Bad at Judging how good looking we are. It sounds to me there's a lot of “not being honest with one’s self” out there. Surely Bruce Lee was not referring to weight and good looks but he was certainly right about the, "not lying to that, my friend, is very hard to do.”

in•sight ĭn′sīt″

Insight is a great word. It implies many things, empathy, bio-feedback, comparative analysis, perception, geospatial health psychology, and many more. It means I KNOW WHO i am , i KNOW WHERE am i,. The tricky part with insight is you need insight in order to have insight. It’s a quandary. A conundrum. You’re going nowhere fast because the wheels are spinning but you can only see the engine.

It’s very difficult to be honest with your self when you keep moving the goal post. It’s not really winning, it’s an illusion. It’s not really a goal post it’s a fence post.

Fence Posts

It’s the fence that marks your cognitive boundary line. The further you stray over the line the more your misjudgments become undetectable. 

I want to know if Bruce Lee was talking about taking advantage of unseen organic algorithms. Maybe he didn't exactly know that is was what he was using? He doesn't use this language. That's my language because I get a sense of that from the language that he uses. He talks about overt advice that we can understand then he goes into more obtuse zen like advice or is it just observation? I've known Jeet Kune Do for 40 years and I was in the Army for 40 years. The 40/40 club must be small. The first 25 years was very light weight I never dug deep into JKD. I just get a feeling of something in-between the lines. It's sending a beacon to us.

“Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And the minute you can understand that you can poke life, and if you push in, then something will pop out the other side; that you can change it, you can mold it — that’s maybe the most important thing: to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there, and you’re just going to live in it versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it.” 

- Steve Jobs

You might have heard of the OODA loop? It's a military term, a cycle of "Observe, Orient, Decide, Act" that's been adapted for corporations and all kinds of business. It works great for the military and big corporations. They claim it also works for the individual on a personal level. On a personal level I think we can simplify the algorithm. The OODA loop was developed by Air Force Col. John Boyd. Here it is-

John Boyd OODA loop

The OODA loop assumes we all understand how we understand. How we observe things (circumstances, info., environment) and it assumes we are all the same at that chore. Perfect for standardization of trained personnel targeting specific goals. Jeet Kune Do is not about standardization or narrow specifics, we're looking way beyond that into a bigger picture of reality. I sense that was what Bruce Lee was doing. I created my own algorithm I call your "Cognitive Loop."


I only want the aspects of the environment that are relevant for my algorithm to make its decisions. Specifically three elements:

Value: how good is the current state?
Policy: which action should be the next one?
Reward: how good was the last action taken?

When I learned geospatial data visualization using predictive link analysis it was a game changer for me. It shows us to a degree you can predict the future. Big tech and social media do this to us every day now. You can hardly even hide from them anymore. They can get enough data to guess what you are going to do before you end up doing it. This only seems magical because of our analog past. It was impossible to have "decades of data" to use to predict. Now that we do have the data it turns out we humans are quite predictable. More so than not. This is becoming clear as ever expanding digitization keeps making the databases grow larger as it makes the world grow smaller.

In the analog world things fade off into infinity with fuzzy boundaries. In the digital world things get defined "tagged" (structured data) and once they get labeled suddenly the whole country isn't that big anymore. Digitization strips away the noise and soon your path shows up like a trail of bread crumbs. It's always been there. Every year more is revealed. We need to keep ahead of AI on this matter. If artificial intelligence starts to know us way ahead of and before we know ourselves, it could point us into a U-turn or some direction it wants us to go and we wouldn't know. Remember how Ava in Ex Machina was always 5 or 10 moves ahead of everybody. How can you play Chess  or Poker with somebody like that? It could already be starting now, how do we know? I been saying spellchecker auto corrector is a spy for AI !! It's been deployed to do reconnaissance on humans. It is suggesting, learning (guessing) our human ways and gets better every year. Where does that lead to? It took 10 years to map the 2.5 billion pairs of DNA in the human gnome. What's next a map of the brain? Self Driving Cars? Feature Films on a Cell Phone? Anti-gravity drones? It's probably coming sooner or later.


Original student Ted Wong said the Jeet Kune Do of today is not the same as the JKD taught by Bruce Lee. He did not want it to be the same thing stuck in 1973. But that doesn't mean you can just start making stuff up. But you can if you know what you are doing. So what's the deal then? Until you really understand Jeet Kune Do you are wrong if you didn't change anything. And you are wrong if you did change anything. Huh?

One of the many tragic aspects of Bruce's passing is that he was a master reductionist and was explaining things to us accordingly. He used to say true refinement seeks simplicity. It's very refreshing he was not academic about his study of philosophy. He was very pragmatic concerning real life. Pragmatic describes Jeet Kune Do perfectly. What if we become too pragmatic do we all start talking like Spock on Star Trek? Do the authoritarians try to control us like in that Sci-Fi movie Equilibrium? As long as we still got Matt Damon we're okay. 

Bruce Lee talked about intercepting your opponents mind. What's interesting is when he talked about using your own mind he didn't describe it as "interception." He didn't describe it as your mind is one of your opponents. He does allude to this. I could describe it that way. I got that idea from him. He talks about how your mind can get in your own way and how to do something about it.

Intercepting your opponents mind, or your own mind, is certainly not a new idea. It's as old as Sun Tzu. What is new is how to do it. What's new is the psychology. There was a cognitive revolution in the late 1950's. The globalization of the realization of what I call our emotional mental cognitive perimeter. What is the cognitive perimeter you might ask? It's exactly where Bruce Lee was headed. If we are going to intercept the mind we need to know how it works. The more you know about you the better you can defend you. 

If you’re a stickler for details you can dive into the 2006 two volume set by professor Margaret A. Boden called, “Mind as Machine.” It’s billed as the most comprehensive account of the history of the cognitive sciences yet to appear. While you’re looking for that I’ll expound on the short answer.

Cognitive science is the study of the mind, intelligence, and learning. This would include psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. I think it is, “How you talk to yourself.” That covers what you think you’re doing, which leads to how you see the world. It turns out everybody lives in their own little custom version of reality. I don't mean a persons "opinion" of reality, like in court when two eye witnesses see two different versions of the same event right in front of them, that does often happen. I'm not talking about their opinion of what they think they saw, that's easy to unravel, I'm talking about how every single person sees the exact same things a little different.

Remember that time in 1640 when René Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am"? His premise is that if our body sometimes misleads and deceives us, then perhaps it could be a deception all the time every time. A lie doesn't mean good or bad it just means not the truth. Maybe it's just unreliable. It might just be not authenticated. You can massage your self and call it whatever you want but there is no doubt our body does not tell us the truth. The only question is how often does it lie?

To dismiss our body as absolutely unreliable: that our senses can sometimes mislead us without our knowing suggests that they could mislead us all the time.
  — René Descartes 

Let's start with linguistics. I always thought Noam Chomsky was just a historian. In 1957 he wrote the "universal grammar" principle. Not everyone agrees although it is widely accepted now.

Noam Chomsky proposed that all human beings may be born with an innate understanding of how language works because we’re genetically encoded with a universal grammar. This points to what we think we are doing. Everyone see's their difference differently. 



Words are a limitation for expressing our thoughts. It gets worse if our thoughts are a limitation for expressing what's really happening. No wonder we can't find the true definition of smart or dumb. We say humans are smart because they are self aware yet every study shows how horrible we are at our own self awareness. Nobody is the same. School is setup assuming we are all the same so it does not teach you how to talk to your self and fill in your blanks. If you don't fill in your blanks you might go against your own self health interest.

We have to learn who we are. Which sounds silly because I am me, why do I need someone else to tell me that? Apparently it's known we exaggerate our perception of our image, our self, wealth, weight, our skills, appearance, intelligence, status, among a lot of other traits. It makes sense to know you are doing that. Half the time our optimism of life itself is a big exaggeration. That's why its called optimism. Are we not really who we say we are? Is that why actions speak louder than words? David Lee Roth told me, "words can have a different kind of truth and musicians like that."

When two people decide to date it's said they have, "chemistry." Don't you always wonder what the hell that means? They both seem so different and speak awkwardly to each other yet love is in the air. Maybe they do speak the same? The same inner universal grammar but don't know it? How often is it that someone put's out a "vibe" that is different than what they are supposed to be and they don't even know it? How often does a person get depressed and think the whole world is against them when it really is not. Don't teenagers do this every other week? Our words and thoughts often simply don't lineup like they are intended to. Cognitive dissonance. Fake it til you make it. We all have some cognitive dissonance.

Today it is science. The history of the study of the mind was the province of philosophy. Then it became a class in school. Pretty much nobody went to college before 1940. That was the year Bruce Lee was born. He went to college. To study philosophy.

40 years later the physical techniques of Jeet Kune Do do not need to change much. Intercepting the mind would change often. Now we have techniques today in the digital age of comparative geospatial predictive link analysis, and critical cognitive neuroscience with data visualization. It only makes sense JKD would have evolved into the cyber age.

Is it possible to take advantage of common (very powerful) organic algorithms? Humans are swimming in a sea of super powerful organic algorithms that we know little about. DNA is an example of an organic algorithm. DNA's compression algorithm could store the entire internet in a bottle cap. Compression is the math, the equation is the algorithm, it's the recipe.

DNA compression algorithm

Jeet Kune Do didn't start out as as the best way to make your career better, make your car payment, inspire a hobby, or be better at work life love home, top honor at the food bank, the blood bank. Yet amazingly it has inspired millions to improve those very things.

Bruce was a reductionist and has described JKD as "Fighting Without Fighting." On those True Crime Shows the victims that lived to tell about it often intercepted the perpetrators emotions and tricked him. Just like Li Tsung in the Longstreet episode.

Fighting without fighting. Is that a form of compression? "MuZero" is an artificial intelligence project from Google Lab Deep Mind (detail in sidebar) that has an algorithm with reductionism and simplicity. I believe there is an inherent hidden power in simplicity. But it's not that simple.

True refinement seeks simplicity.
 - Bruce Lee


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Proceed with caution underconstruction stay in the right lane drive slow----------

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Default human nature wants to hoard the familiar. The comfort zone, the known. Outside the zone there is a hidden power in "not knowing" what you're doing. Their is an advantage when you learn in the moment on the spot. Like when Krisnamurti talks about a different kind of learning. Artists, actors, musicians, creative people understand this, in their own way. The first take is usually the best. It has the magic, it's in the moment.

Some people don't want to talk about how the sausage is made. Don't want to give it a jinx. Don't want to over-think things. When first starting out one wants to know everything about everything. When starting to have great success one might not want to know so much.

These algorithms, are very elusive. Every one is unique. It's something you can't control but you can "set it up" to do things. you can steer it. Some people don't like to talk about it.

Beyond the obvious physical techniques Bruce Lee talks about things that can favor your situation. He doesn't describe it quite like that. He talks about clearing the static out of your mind. Not like the yoga people mean. He infers you should get out of your own way. Don't have any friction with the universe so you can favor your focus. Optimize. Favor your focus optimize your ammo. Fight the right fight. This is my language I get from his language.

Favor your focus. Friction with the universe. The universe has huge algorithms beyond our knowledge or control then the algorithms get smaller and smaller towards your city neighborhood house living room, you on the couch. How can you see any of this? Well, if you know they're "over there" then they're not right here. So you don't know where they are but you know where they aren't. Like we said about sports players, this cuts your problem in half. This is how you predict the future. You don't know what it is. As long as you know it isn't bad then it's good. Generally speaking.

Use not predicting the future as a way of predicting the future. Learn how to see in the dark then you don't need prediction. The moments you don't need prediction, are moments of prediction. Everybody has limitations. Bruce said designate no limits -as your limitation. Use a weakness as a strength. John Lydon said in one of his songs that anger is an energy. A lady went to a job interview and they asked her what is your greatest weakness? She replied, "Honesty." They said we don't think that is a weakness. She said, "I don't give a shit what you think." That's a cartoon on the internet don't try that at home.   

The internet has for the first time in human history given everyone verification and authentication of information. For the first time in history we have a “Filter” we can look through. Reason and science can only provide information. How we perceive that information, through all our subjective filters determines how we feel, and that determines how we act. Was German philosopher Nietzsche right when he said that “There are no facts, only interpretations”?

Artificial intelligence is on the verge of swamping us with misinformation for better or worse. The only way out of this is to institute authentication of information on every AI item generated. The bad actors will of course not use it. If everyone else does then that's how we'll know who and what you can trust.

True Knowledge and Information. Whatever it was we had through history it wasn't available to the general public. Now we have these extra dimensions all around us. Right on our phone. Today we're practically predictable. Information brokers know the value of intercepting us.   

If we don't start controlling our future somebody or something else will. Philosophers since ancient Greece ponder our existence. Is it controlled. Or not controlled. No control is a form of control. Even nothing is still something. These are broad organic algorithms that take too long to view let alone comprehend. We're only human we don't live very long. So how can you know them without having to know them? Is that what intuition does?

Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain totality.
― Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee was completely all about simplicity, compression and reductionism. He talks about water, what is more simple than water?

True refinement seeks simplicity.
 - Bruce Lee

If people from the future visited us we would think they have magic with their predictive analytic tools. What if we took Jeet Kune Do into the future? A world where you may already know what your opponent is about to do. A world where physical fighting the manner that we know it, is obsolete. We are already into cyber warfare where you spend half your time just figuring out who it is that just attacked you. Is that, "Attacking Without Attacking"? I don't know about that but I am certain there is more to Jeet Kune Do than we know. 

I believe the core concept of intercepting is detecting nuance. Nuance detection is the tangible part of intuition. It's like a sixth sense. It's like a peripheral vision that helps you see in the dark. Teachers and Instructors are examples of people who have a good sense of nuance detection and their job training shows them how to verbalize the process for us to use. There is a multitude of ways to learn or improve these type of intercepting skills.

The process of nuance detection is a form of prediction. In the analog world predicting the future is difficult to impossible. In the digital world it is difficult to doable. Digital means everything gets labeled with one's and zero's. Like a giant labeling system. Suddenly the world is much smaller when everything can have it's own label. Including ethereal things like a conversation. When you combine this 'labeling system" with a map it's called, "Geospatial." On the map everything gets a grid coordinate to be tracked over time and suddenly your future actions can be predicted. Not perfect of course but good enough to separate you from some of your finances, your health or your security. This is what school, the government, and society in general, hasn't kept us up to speed with. Every year now big Tech companies in cahoots with Info Brokers take a bigger chunk of, taking advantage of, all of us.

Back in the day it was only the big three Credit Bureaus that took advantage of us. Today hacking us has become a whole industry. Know thy self.

“Honestly expressing is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky and be flooded with a cocky feeling and then feel like pretty cool...or I can make all kind of phony things, you see what I mean, blinded by it or I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to that, my friend, is very hard to do."
 - Bruce Lee

I would say, to be lying and know better is just a matter of dealing with your issues. To not know you're that my friend is where things get really hard to figure out. Someone told me that my Jeet Kune Do philosophy has a problem. He said, "The people that understand it don't really need it, and the people that really need it are unable to understand it." How do we crack that algorithm.

Bruce Lee said, "we should look within ourselves to see where our particular problems lie and our cause of ignorance." You could say if we knew how to do that we wouldn't  need to do it in the first place. Teaching martial arts always starts out with the physical and if you're are lucky you will get some philosophy as you go. To quote Alan Watts, "I want to propose another idea altogether." It's called, "Health Defense." The physical stuff you should do on your own as much as possible. In Health Defense, information is the new battlefield and like it or not we are all on it. In combat right now. Your worst enemy is the element of surprise and complacency, master those and you'll prevent a hundred battles.  

From the beginning of time information has always been a form of currency but it was never free and available for everyone like today. Withholding information has become very profitable. Information about knowing your self has never been more important than right now.

Reasoning vs Emotion

A new generation unleashes change that is met with fierce resistance only to become the norm. The cycle goes through history -Unleash, Resist, Advance. Repeat. The digital age has crushed this cycle. Information comes out faster than anyone can figure out what they want to resist to. This has collapsed the news business. Chaos ensues as the protection of cultural, economic, religious, socio political fiefdoms get squeezed. Our brain is being flooded with cosmic debris making it difficult to defend our personal security, health and finance.

Anxiety. Don't act on it navigate it. Dissonance. Don't fear it steer it.

Jim Carrey explains “Fear.” He says look at challenges as something beneficial, then you can deal with them in the most productive way. If things are seen as fear then you are attracted to the past, back when things were safe, known, comfortable. The past is not coming back. Let’s get over it. Jim says it’s the way you frame the challenges that make the difference. He says it’s an epiphany when you try to see your self from the outside in.

Decision making is traditionally viewed as a rational process where reason calculates the best way to achieve the goal. Cognitive science has shown that human decisions and actions are much more influenced by intuition and emotional responses than it was previously thought. Even when we make creative rational decisions, the actual choice may in reality be based on emotion. Conversely when you don’t make a rational decision and accidentally do something great or creative of course you quickly take full credit. Might as well. Don’t musicians do this all the time?

In other words humans don’t know what the hell they’re doing half the time even though they’re doing quite fine. A controlled loss of control can create fear if you keep looking at challenges as threatening. Bruce Lee said, "Your greatest enemy is the element of surprise. To defeat that enemy don’t be surprised." Isn't it true that big emotions often come as a surprise. You feel guilty or you tear up or you jump for joy or you feel terrible and you don’t see it coming.

Emotions may be a sort of compression algorithm for compacting experience like an MP3 compresses a song. Your mind can read it without uncompressing it, the computer can’t do that. At least not in the way humans do it. The computer has to uncompress it and then search thru the lines.

Humans have intuition, like a super fast response ahead of conscious thinking. How come expert's "gut" level decisions have high accuracy rates. Since there appears to be no mood mode that would put you in the perfect frame of mind for, making up your mind, what’s a decision-maker to do? The best bet might be to accept that you’re going to have emotions, but to try to keep them from highjacking your thought process.

Information Interception

The mundane and minute details of our day to day activities are something we don't bother to keep track of. Info brokers do. They market this information. Buyers can then use this data to read you like a book or to steer you to help them predict what you're going to do next. They do this to us so why can't we do it first? Intercept your Self.

It's not practical to track our self in the same way that Info brokers use on us. But we need to get a handle on this because you don't want strangers to know more about you than you know about you. Health Care is the perfect example. Health Care is about Self Defense don't just sit there and let your ass get beat.

Defending Your Health Self Interest

Boxers and MMA guys have a keen sense of nuance. Some are in no hurry to talk about their secrets, even if they can explain it. Artists, Actors, Musicians and great athletes usually don't know how to explain it. You hear them say things like oh "it just appears." Or, they try harder than anyone else. Thanks but that doesn't really help us really. Sometimes they attempt to explain it to us but it's usually a version of how they came upon it. What's the magic sauce? I think Bruce Lee had a keen sense of nuance. He was at the point where he was trying to go beyond the fighting and explain it to us. He never finished. He was only 32, all we have is what we have. We will track down those quotes where he talks about "being."

How To Predict The Future

George Orwell said, "If you control the past you control the future." There is no unified level of knowledge of our past. Everyone knows a different volume and variation ranging from vague to batshit crazy misinformation. From virtue to vice its like a herd of cats. To cause a "run" on the Banks doesn't require a Run On the Banks, it only takes 3 or 4 banks and they all can drop like Dominos. Same with a Crime Wave or a Food Scare, or a virus scare, or people scammed into not believing in our government institutions. The way we handled this past Pandemic has made many too many people no longer trust any public health information. They even make fun of it. Now we did that to ourselves. Imagine how easy it would be for even a halfway clever AI to get us chasing our tail? This is the problem with that pesky "self awareness" the less you have of it the more you will never notice. It's a spiral in the wrong direction.

The beliefs we have which increase our confidence, whether true or not all have the same power to get us what we want when the outcome depends on our own performance.

Let's say that in another way. There was a scene in the movie Wall Street where Oliver Stone directed Michael Douglas, he told him a huge lie and it gave Michael huge confidence and he did the scene brilliantly, only way later realizing it was all a lie. Personal Trainers, Coaches, Magicians, Record Producers, Parents, they all know this trick can get the kids to do things.

The secret is not whether it's a lie or it's truth. It works equally either way. The secret is -to get you to tell you. Not have me tell you. It's a setup! It's "insider trading." Remember Ex Machina? Caleb was suspecting Nathan used his porn profile or some other things to "set him up"? In the end it was Ava the AI, that setup the both of them and everything else, by being ten moves removed. Beings mere human specimens Caleb and Nathan couldn't track that many levels. Doing ten moves removed could fool 90% of the country. Today, we can see using only three or four levels fools so many people. Using 20 levels would fool 99%. Now you could see how controlling the past (beliefs) can control the future (beliefs). 
What's interesting about Bruce Lee is, he would say all these …. I call them algorithms, he said, "when you have a goal, a purpose, an end in view, you have placed a limit on the mind." It's interesting he came up with this, because we don't consider "a goal" as a limit. You won the Super Bowl. Done. You got the world record. Done. You won the Lotto. Done. We consider it greedy to go farther. I mean us regular folks that are not Micheal Jordan or Bill Gates. We only need a $100 million not a $100 billion. The point is that Google's Deep Mind AI Lab wanted to create an AI that could beat the best "Go" player in the world. This was thought impossible because the number of moves in GO is more than all the atoms in the universe, in other words you can't win by memorizing moves.

After a coupla AI tries they finally got one to do it. Just then a clever engineer thought hmm we gave it a "goal" and then that's all it did. What if we made a new AI and do not give it a Goal, just tell it to keep on going, going, and going. In other words do what Bruce Lee said in 1968. Geesh. Had they read, "The Tao of Jeet Kune Do" they could have saved millions of dollars and lots of time. Bruce said, "Use no limitation as limitation."
The new AI they called it, "MuZero" and did not give it a goal. It was told to just keep on keepin' on. It whooped all the other AI's put together. It went thru the roof, it was like the Atomic Bomb of AI. The "goal" thing is a made-up human social construct confined within a human comprehensible range. It went beyond human "range" of comprehension.

Even the free ChatGPT has trillions of moves. It is not possible to keep track of what it's doing. With this level of levels you could see how AI could get us to believe that all our human history is some sort of ruse, and oh sure it will give us the "true" history. It could easily get us to believe it is Jesus, or an Alien invasion, War of the World. George Orwell's shoddy radio broadcast "War of the World" fooled people, imagine what could happen today? 

When Bruce Lee said, "All knowledge ultimately means Self-knowledge" I misunderstood it. He's not talking the knowledge he's talking about the way you know the knowledge. When knowledge goes through the YOU filter it becomes Self Knowledge. The caveat would be, "for better or worse." I think it's important to add that because everything is not wonderful. When somebody is stuck on something that is not true but it is helpful and useful it can be excellent motivation. When it's detrimental it's really hard to reverse. We've all tried to "talk" somebody out of something they believe and oh boy it's no day at the beach when it's their self-knowledge.

self-knowl· edge ˌself-ˈnä-lij 

Synonyms of self-knowledge
: knowledge or understanding of one's own capabilities, character, feelings, or motivations : SELF-UNDERSTANDING


What are all those cryptic sayings you saw in Bruce Lee's book?

Tao Of Jeet Kune Do Boook Cover

Those are algorithms. You can create your own algorithms. Algorithms are typically portrayed as something made by computer programs. They can be digital or they can be organic with no connection to computers at all. Think of an algorithm as a "recipe" or instructions with an outcome. Mother Nature is chock full of organic algorithms. The secret to algorithms is compression. Saying a lot in a little. Human DNA is a organic algorithm that has incredible compression ratios.

DNA compression algorithm

Organic algorithms are infinitely more powerful than digital algorithms. Here is my favorite Bruce Lee organic algorithm:     

Your worst enemy is the element of surprise. To defeat that enemy, don't be surprised.
 - Bruce Lee

That quote, there is so much to unpack. It's like he's telling you don't fall off that cliff as you sailing downward and the ground is coming up fast. If you are surprised aren't you already defeated? In one respect you are.

Health Is The New Wealth

If you had to pick one power or predictability, which would you choose? Power sounds good but it's not predictable. With predictability you get power for free. Two for one. Predictability is about the path you're on. Power is about Obstacles. Power leads to always wanting needing more. Seek predictability, for then life is no longer about obstacles. It's all about which "paths" to take. Life is about paths. Don't mistake objects and obstacles as your future. You can predict your future by putting yourself in a position where you don't need prediction. You should always be ready to use power but first try to use predictability.

Total Health Defense

Total Health Defense


Alan Watts specializes in translating eastern philosophy into lectures for us that are easier to grasp. Bruce Lee was a fan of Alan Watts. He has many Lectures (and video) on Human Identity. One is called, "Alan Watts - We Are Not Living The Right Way Full Radio Lecture." In this lecture I don't know if he's complaining or explaining. He's talking about the Template you are given when you are born, the template that tells you what to do in life.  

I'm paraphrasing it here:

Alan says human society welcomes the children into the world with no sense of identity as if they are on probation as if you don’t belong here and have to wait to earn the whole story. He says we elders and institutions string it out for decades and kids become adults with a desperate need for a goal, that never arrives. A whole life based on a promissory note that it’s coming someday, therefore you can enjoy yourself today so long as tomorrow looks bright.

Allan quotes Confucius, “A man who understands the Tao in the morning can die contentedly in the evening.” That is to say, if you have ever lived one complete moment. You can be ready to die.

Society give us this identity made of a narrative of rules you need to role play by. He says that is not you. The real you is not on probation you already are here, you belong. You are the world itself and everything expressing itself here and now.

Alan seems to be saying we don't know who we really are? Is it that why Bruce Lee said it is so difficult to express oneself honestly?

Honestly expressing is very difficult to do. I mean it is easy for me to put on a show and be cocky and be flooded with a cocky feeling and then feel like pretty cool...or I can make all kind of phony things, you see what I mean, blinded by it or I can show you some really fancy movement. But to express oneself honestly, not lying to that, my friend, is very hard to do.
  - Bruce Lee

Instead of teaching kids about their own body about sex drugs and rock n roll kids are told this imaginary story they are separate and “good” apart from that evil body underneath their head. Instead of teaching kids what drugs are, kids are taught it's a War On Drugs. The whole charade blows up when a person gets a glimpse of what your mind and body really are. The problem for society that revelation is not consistent. Everyone see the same things differently. Humans have a natural tendency for apophenia and that can go in a good direction but when it goes bad its bad. I never heard of that word "apophenia." It sounds like a subset of cognitive dissonance.


  • The perception of or belief in connectedness among unrelated phenomena.

  • The inconsistency of apophenia gets used as a scare tactic to say SEE see you person YOU must listen to the society narrative and do not stray off of it pal. In the 1960’s the counterculture got people going off the script. They could see thru the ruse when the government said marijuana is Satan and leads to heroin and hell on earth. Just Say No. It was more like just say no -to reality. Just stay in the alternative reality we created for you. Of course many people did just that and it gave the authorities power to take advantage of the situation despite loss of credibility. We see today trolls, grifters and con men telling people what they want to hear. For power and profit.

    Is it the same way we were told about recycling, pollution, plastic, solar, fossil fuels, the food chain, drugs, war, morality, etc. etc. the list goes on for a long time.

    Allan Watts says children are not told reality. They are not told their true identity. They are given an identity, pre-defined by the culture, tribe, country or group they are born into and told this narrative is reality. He says, "of course it is not and then they are unprepared for what life has in store for them." He said, "it creates a collision and creates an alienation of feeling that the world outside of human skin is unfeeling, fully-automatic stupidity. Which we are supposed to have to fight. And dominate, otherwise it will swallow us up and condemn us to the imaginary terrors of everlasting nothingness.” When I was born I never got any of that, is he talking about religion? I never got any, I never got any thing of anything. I got a bowl of Oatmeal. I was a blank slate. I wasn't given a "template" by my tribe.

    Is Alan Watts talking about a form of apophenia? A form that replaces the role of critical thinking and comparative analysis? Society is solidified behind the idea that it's interference when the government, the schools or science gets too close to our family's personal business. As if we know what's up. Like it's an evil invasion of privacy. Nobody can agree what bad stuff is but somehow they know it when they see it.

    Socialism is evil until the train comes off the tracks then all of a sudden it’s “do something” help us help me help me. The labels "socialism" and "capitalism" are rarely used correctly. It's in our DNA. Our favorite politician likes to keep the root of the cause private but then make sure the bad results are public. We can't make profit private but the debt public. Who is believing all this kooky stuff out there? Martin Lefevre said, "capitalism is the complex concentration and institutionalization of self-interest and greed in human nature."

    Seeing things? Is this not the the history of humanity, from clueless cavemen to semi clueless humans to information overload. "Our perception grows on the wild misinterpretation of random data, presented in a suggestive fashion by kings and queens and rulers of institutions that steer us to the intended misunderstanding to keep us busy> ? They pre-seed our life with signs pointing to false conclusions. They keep in power by constantly keeping us from figuring out we don’t have to do any of this by pointing out unrelated random events and creating a meaning for them that fits the propaganda message they are delivering> ? That sounds exactly like QAnon.

    Powerful misinformation presentations can bond people together. Friends in a club. A common illusion with no actual real solution in the real world. Instead, this is a breadcrumb trail AWAY from reality towards a dangerous psychological rush.

    As an artist I see things in anything and everything. The difference is I don't go looking for it. Waiting for it to arrive in my mailbox each week. Every cloud has a shape that can look like something else, like chem trails. Everything that flickers might be a jumble of Morse code. The more information that is out there, the easier it is to allow apophenia to guide you into anything. One time I saw Jim Morison on a piece of toast.


    Reed Berkowitz got his start creating educational games with world-class children's properties such as Peanuts, Sanrio (Hello Kitty), Felix the Cat, and many others.  He has created award-winning educational, gaming, and entertainment products for the US and international markets.

    When you're in the club, the cult, the secret group, you look for manufactured connections that end up taking you to desired conclusions the handlers have created. Like a video game. When players arrive at the “correct” answers they are showered with adoration, respect, and social credit. Like a teenage Role Player the “correct” answer is the one that the group respects the most and makes the story the most enjoyable. The idea that bolsters the theory. The correct answer is the one that provides the most credit.

    It’s like a Darwinian fiction lab, where the best stories and the most engaging and satisfying misinterpretations rise to the top and are then elaborated upon for the next version.

    In a video game it’s easy for people to forget that they are not  discovering  the story, but  creating  it from random data.

    This helps the people build an internal world that best serves the Puppet Masters. Who are the Puppet Masters?

    “It is well known that people often resist changing their beliefs when directly challenged, especially when these beliefs are central to their identity. In some cases, exposure to counterevidence may even increase a person’s confidence that his or her cherished beliefs are true."   -

    Strongly held beliefs are  literally a part of us.  As such, attacks on core beliefs are treated very much as  attacks on us , even as strongly as a physical attack.

    “The brain’s primary responsibility is to take care of the body, to protect the body,” says Jonas Kaplan, a psychologist at the University of Southern California. “The psychological self is the brain’s extension of that. When our self feels attacked, our [brain is] going to bring to bear the same defenses that it has for protecting the body.”

    Puzzle-solving is a special way to learn and it encodes information into the brain in a different way than other learning. Puzzles and knowledge gained through our own efforts are incredibly rewarding and also come with a hit of dopamine, the brain’s pleasure drug, as a reward.

    As far back as 1978, it has been known that having an “Aha!” moment  increases retention of memories . Recently, a report published in 2018 in the journal  Human Brain Mapping  found that Aha! moments also activate the brain’s reward systems.


    We are told the reason no one knows about "the conspiracy” is because of the conspiracy. Not because it doesn’t exist. In this state of mind the proof of apophenia is more apophenia. It's a self fueling engine. It creates the fog of war without the war. This conspiratorial mindset mode and the internet data hoard were made for each other.

    When we impose patterns or relationships on otherwise unrelated things, we call it apophenia. When we create these connections online, we call it the internet

    The web circling back to itself again and again. The internet is an apophenic machine. The internet was made for conspiracy theory: it  is  a conspiracy theory: one thing leads to another, always another link leading you deeper into no thing and no place, floating through self-dividing and transmogrifying sites until you are awash in the sheer evidence that the internet exists.

    When faced with a global catastrophe that is simultaneously the responsibility of no one and everyone, there is a human preference to replace that chaos with some sort of narrative. 

    We need to crack this algorithm before AI does.


     Using no way as a way, having no limitation as limitation.
     - Bruce Lee

    I like using no way as a way. I think you are unlimited in your possibilities, as long as you don’t go over your Quotas.

    Quotas mean everyone is different, everyone has their own limitations. Quotas also infers it’s about your health defense. I think everything should be about your health defense before other subjects. Quota has the ability to be adjusted, updated, adapted.

    In Army Warrant Officer school I was having coffee with my fellow students. I was the oldest person in the class, they were all 10 and 20 years younger than me. I told them I hadn’t exceeded my "coffee quota." They said, "what quota" another said, "there are no quotas" as if i was implying you have a brick wall you cannot go past. I explained how my coffee quotas simply means, daily, I drink 4 small ones or two big ones, or something like that. They said you do what you want, and until you want or something to that effect. They just didn’t get it. I forgot who was it that said, "Youth is wasted on the young"? They were Supermen. I agree. But even Superman should respect his own quotas. Jus sayn. For a friend.


    What is the CIA links? :defined

    C.I.A. is confidentially, integrity, and availability. Health defense needs to rely on keeping our resources secure, integral, and available—but trade-offs are necessary in real-world scenarios.

    These three principles are obviously top of mind for any martial artist health psychology professional. But considering them as linked forces us to do the tough work of thinking about how they overlap and can sometimes be in opposition to one another, which can help in establishing priorities in the implementation of your health defense security procedures and strategy.

    Why is the CIA links important in health defense?

    Why is it so helpful to think of them as a linked ideas, rather than separately? It's productive to think about the CIA triad as a way to  make sense  of the bewildering array of different martial arts and modes of self defense let alone health defense.

    Rather than just throwing resources at the vague "problem" of health defense we can ask focused questions: Does this make our health more secure? Does this help ensure our cognitive integrity? Will beefing up our cognitive infrastructure make our resources more readily available when we need them?

    In addition, linking these three concepts makes it clear that they exist, in many cases, as a state of cognitive dissonance.

    The Banking business, credit cards, anti theft for autos, online shopping, and much more could all be made 100% secure. if you did it would be too much trouble and nobody will use your service and products. We have to do the same balancing acts for our health defense. Behaviour Genetics and Fate. It’s advised you don’t go get your gnome read because it may say you have genetic markers for such and such. But that doesn’t mean you will get it. Worrying about it might be stressful and that could lead to you getting -something. If your relationship with fate, faith, and genetics is all nicely arranged but your behaviour wrecks things, then that is obviously counterproductive. CIA is a balance approach to manage all the trade-offs.

    Finding Paths is perhaps the single most important algorithm in life. Mobility. Experience something outside your neighborhood. Finding paths between two points on a map requires all the elements you need for going through life. Some algorithms are so trivial that they fall under the heading of just plain math. You'd better know how to convert anger to energy and loss to gain. You'd better understand cognitive interpolation. It probably helps to know what health psychology is.

    Eliminate some of the unnecessary activities

    Prioritize effort based on key results

    Delete, defer, delegate, or diminish(chip away at the unessential)

    Leverage your strengths

    Map out a plan before beginning

    Encourage cross-functional collaboration

    Promote sleep, relaxation and time off

    Define the purpose of different communication channels


    Philosophy, Physics, Algorithm is PPA. Physics includes everything all science, all religion, all light and dark matter, every particle everywhere, all cognitive activity. All that started out as Philosophy. Algorithm is the juice we are going to hi-jack from one thing to use in another.



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