Jeet Kune Do 50 years into the future

Visit the decoding Bruce Lee project

What did Bruce Lee think he would be doing in the year 2023? If the world is a Teapot you become the Teapot. As I look at the philosophy of Bruce Lee in 2024 I see it as ultimately about defending your health. He would be over 80 years old.

Bruce Lee passed away in 1973. In 1970 most Americans didn't even know who he was. He had a name for himself in China but not Hollywood. Nobody knew what Kung Fu was, they barely knew about Karate.  Bruce had a new family and was struggling. The Green Hornet television show ran one season and was cancelled. Good move ABC keep Batman and kill Kato! Bruce worked so hard and he never got to see how he changed the world. He did see it sure was coming with the 1972 release of "Way Of The Dragon" featuring the famous Chuck Norris Roman Colosseum fight. "Enter The Dragon" was the BIG breakout. It was released one month after his death. Enter The Dragon was huge. It brought Kato back to life.    

In Asia Bruce Lee was already a big star. In America he was essentially born right after he died. After the release of Enter The Dragon his life and legend grew bigger each passing year. If you ask me I think we are still catching up with the philosophy of Bruce Lee circa 1973.

In the 1960's the concept of Health Food was brand new, and not very mainstream. It was seen as some sort of hippy trend. If you cared about your body's well being you were a "Health Nut." You were nutty as in whackjob. Can you imagine.

The 1970's it was live fast and die young. The 1980's was like Hmm something is really wrong here. The 1990's was as if health was new and just now invented by Hillary Clinton.

After 2000 battle lines were drawn. The War on Drugs and The War on Health. One side wanted to fix health by doing something about it, the other side wanted to fix health by doing nothing about it. As in many of our political battles by keeping it broken meant both side could call it a Win. Fixing things meant Winners and Losers. Keep it broken, reimburse the victims.

When was "health" invented?

For 300 centuries it was not common to live past 30 or 40 years old. Sure it happened there was always some old dude 90 years old but it was rare. Humans have always had a potential lifespan of 100 years we just never figured out how to get there. Then suddenly in the past 100 years or so it does become common and life expectancy doubles and even triples for the average bloke. Today with much longer lifespans we can see the difference between illness that kills you and ones that don't. With the shorter lifespan all the illnesses tended to end the same way so you didn't see the difference. Going out of your way for long term health made no sense.

Life expectancy was always, "I hope I live to next week." Why would you bother to care about health if you were pretty busy just making it to next weekend. The subject of "Health" didn't exist because mortality was always so simple; if you are still alive you're Healthy. If you are about to die, then you're not healthy.

Things really changed after WWll but the real change was in the 1960's. The Counter Culture, the era of rebelling against nonsense parts of the 1950's. This meant we birthed the biggest generation gap in history and the swinging 60's 70's became time to party all night long.  

Why was the 1960's so-called counter culture such a big deal? Humans have never been on the same page. It used to be much worse. The generation gap was invented, and suddenly became a thing. We live in denial and we pretend we are on the same page. Logic, critical thinking and science was invented way back in ancient Greece and today we can't find it everywhere. Logic, truth, science, facts, critical thinking, was always here it just wasn't democratized. Not everyone was getting the memo. Today we all have the memo in the palm of our hand.  


Radio, television, spread the message about the memo. The National Enquirer was the largest circulating newspaper in the 1970's shouldn't that have been a red flag warning about parallel universes.

When the 60's handed the decade off to the 70's it was like, "Here take the wheel buh bye see ya." No instructions. No plan. No advice, no road map, nothing. Nobody was thinking critical thinking. Sustainability wasn't a thing. The whole decade of the 70's America was a drunk person digging out of a hole. I survived High School in the 1970's I should get a medal for that. 

In 1979 my Dad told me to join the Army and that's how I learned Jeet Kune Do. I didn't even know what it was. I learned about bio-feedback in the 1980's. It was a niche thing nobody cared about. Feedback, from your Biology, ? it was thought oh nice what are you gonna do with that. Today we learn Fight the feedback. Fight the power.. You have to intercept you.


I was in the Army for 40 years and I have known Jeet Kune Do for 40 years. It's the 40/40 gang, a small club.

I thought hmm I don't get into a fight every day what is it that attacks me every day? Who am I fighting every day? I am getting a cognitive assault from so many things. The food chain, the corrupted narrative, peer pressure, socio human constructs, advertising, the grocery store, the bar, is the gym attacking me? The biology I learned in school was dissecting a frog.

The vibe of the 70's and 80's was party til yer you're unconscious. It felt like you're being attacked. Attacked by your own self and everything else. I felt it wasn't a war on drugs it was a war on my health. Not some symptoms. There was no effort to treat the source of the problem. Just Say No? Oh gee that'll work.

I was in my 20's when Nancy Reagan told us to Just Say No. Hey maybe we could tell teenagers not to have sex surely that will work? It was all delusional. The government lied about marijuana. There was no credibility and that hurt the other issues. The democratization of the authentication and verification of information wasn't here yet. 

America went from the uber decadent 1970's into battle of the 80's crack epidemic. The so called war on drugs didn't seem to be interested in understanding drugs. Obscene amounts of money wasted. Or was it? For whom? It didn't seem to be about health. It seemed to be based on cultural political socio economical politics. Now we understand marijuana is not the same as heroin but yet the Federal law still says it is, to this day. The big sham is up, it's now the War on Health. If we can understand this war on health we can protect ourselves.


I wouldn't wait around for the government to catch up. Information has now become currency. Some of it is like a worthless crypto currency. A pyramid scheme.

Sustainability is a brand new invention. There was no profit in self awareness or prevention. In the late 1970’s the creation of the HMO started the medical-for-profit business model. Nobody cared back then. The Frankenstein medical monster complex we have today was a few decades away. By 1980 the fast food industry had grown to become America's third largest industry. It was cheaper to buy fast food than fresh groceries.

In 1982 America's idea of health was the Jane Fonda Workout. Working out at the gym, using the super duper diet plan, or going to the hospital is -too late. Almost as soon as the concept of Health Care was invented it became all about the hospital and the doctor. Follow the money? Why is "Health Care" all about the doctor and the hospital? You're supposed to be training for victory not training for defeat management. Where's Mike Tyson when you need him? He said, "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face."  


Army Boot Camp is when I confirmed that your body is lying to you. No self honesty. At age 20 you only think about next week.

The attack surface was always there, now we have to defend it. Former president Obama says in his book that, "the problem has always been around but now the barriers have been lowered." I say we have to defend that attack surface. Everybody needs Health Defense right now.


The techniques are not the most amazing part, the algorithms are. In the Tao of Jeet Kune Do I sense a hinting at some way of taking advantage of natural powers all around us. Organic natural algorithms. Animals use algorithms. Things like DNA and the Genome. Everything in nature uses algorithms. Actually everything uses physics, algorithm is humans explaining it to each other. Mother Nature doesn't need to explain herself. Physics doesn't owe you an explanation.

Your health self interest is an investment. Your health is like a checking account. Do good things makes deposits. You can't write checks if there's no money in the bank. Balance your health checking account. The act of eating is that an emotion for you or is it a means of sustenance? Is being tired an emotion or is it a physical state? Both are both. You can't balance your health account if you're not being honest with your self.

Why do you feel tired and why do you feel hungry? It's your brains response to a prediction it made. Paying attention to the prediction "error rate" is when you make money or lose money. You start being honest you will make money to put in your self health account. The good news is you can make profits out of nothing! It's okay to fail. It's actually profitable if you learn something. Start making profits. It's like alchemy. It's like free money. The tendency is to attempt to manipulate control rather investigate the source of instigation. Coming up with reasons to buy bigger Jeans tells your ass it's free to grow. You need to talk to your ass.

Jeet Kune Do In the Next 40 years

I want to take Jeet Kune Do to where I feel Bruce Lee was going to be heading in the future. He was only 32 years old. He was just getting started. He was a master reductionist. He had a keen sense of nuance. He would cut through all the crap.

He really down plays Jeet Kune Do as a fixed art. It's more like just a concept. I see it as an algorithm. It's not dependent on any certain actions. It's about how you handle actions. Of course that means it's different for each individual like Dan Inosanto said.

I made a transcript for
"Frank Zappa disagrees with Einstein"
Maybe you too disagree with Albert Einstein that's ok go here and see what Frank says. Who knows how real this is but Frank gets the full 10 Points for originality. This Millipede is a button for the Link-
Millipedes for Bogart 9

In The Beginning There Was Health.... And It Was Good

What is health? We are told and sold that it is some sort of balance or optimization of a state of physical, mental and social well-being. In other words it is whatever the current generation says it is. It's changed more in the last 50 years than in the past 5000 years. Life expectancy suddenly doubled and tripled since 1900. This new longevity has given Health Care a value it never had. This value itself has become a hazard to your Health. Who knew, don't we have enough problems already.

In The Beginning There Was Food .... And It Was Good

When did Processed Food become a thing? Somewhere around 100,000 years ago Homo Erectus invented processed food. It was thermal processing, we know this as cooking your food. From there it's a long way to get to Twinkies and Spam. For the parts of the world that are not food challenged eating has become a sort of dysfunctional hobby. It's become about what you think you need.

For the first time in human history we get most of our calories eating processed food. This has cut us off from where food comes from. Personally I do not want to know how food goes from cow to plastic deli container. But I am very interested to know why they don't want me to know. We have plenty of food to feed everyone in the world yet a billion people are starving. What's up wit dat?

It's all a vicious circle. We need to feed more people, we need food to not rot in 3 days, food companies have brought zilllions of people out of poverty, the food laboratories replace real food with addictive additives and substitutes for better or worse, the food chain is ruining the environment, low income and no income people can only afford cheap food, shareholders expect Food companies to constantly make more profit every quarter, local farmers markets are not mainstream.

It's complicated. And it's not very healthy. If tomorrow morning everyone started eating correctly the economy would collapse.

What's the solution -socialism? The food police? No. The solution is education and interception. You need to hack our self.

How did this happen?

Do governments, scientists, big pharma, doctors, and some of the wealthiest companies on the planet enable these waves of diet-related disease? No.

Our human brain is still in 1900 and this is 2024. We have plenty of food yet large swaths of the planet are starving to death. We have to switch from evidence based living to biological based living. Evidence based means what feels good. Psychological. Very superficial, what seems good. Biology based means what the body actually needs, scientifically and medically.

We are not told and we are not taught that the human condition. The 5 senses don't accurately reflect reality.

There is some psychology driving a blind emotional representation of reality. The mind and body are not fully working together.

Throughout history for a Nation State to hold itself together typical leaders or tyrants or dictators have enough problems and headaches without you citizens knowing that you own your happiness, your liberty, and have a right to life. In 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote this down but we never really teach anyone how to operate it. The assumption is this is a private matter to be kept at home in the family. Which mostly means it never happens. It's too political.

For example, fear of the unfamiliar is a human default. Fear of you investigating it or fully understanding your Self, is political. The fear is you might switch genders, you might unravel racism, you might understand history, God knows what you might do if you find out too much information. Frank Zappa said in a chorus, "Keeping people dumb, is where we're coming from." That darn FZ is a trouble-maker. Unfortunately keeping us ignorant is, for media and marketers, like shooting ducks in a barrel.

if I told you I saw Jim Morrison's "image" in a piece of toast half of America would believe it. I would. Hey it's Jim Morrison. I'm no different than anyone else i like living in my own little comfort bubble. We need to parse this out. Before AI does.

The field of cognitive science is hardly 40 years old we only recently discovered exactly how our brain can hijack our ability to regulate what we eat.

We can't change the world but we can change our selves. If we all do that then we changed the world.

Take the newest standardized DLE (Digital Literacy Exam) to make sure you are not digitally illiterate

When I was a teenager I didn't know what the hec I was doing. When I exited teenage-hood and studied Philosophy I realized the entire genre of philosophy is basically about how we do not understand our Selves. Sure enough I could see my Self is not telling me the truth about me like what I'm doing. From then on I began to "hack" thy self. Because that's what's always been happening to us, that's how you hold a nation state together. If politicians don't tell us what we want to hear they don't last very long.

What's new today is a common baseline descending down from nigh. Define your terms. When the internet arrived it democratized the weaponization of authentication of information caused by globalization. Not everyone is a fan of reality. Do we want a Blockchain system for reality? We have to end this willy nilly reality is whatever I say it is on this day that I feel this way. Misinformation is attacking knowledge itself.

That's when I said Hey wait a minute i'm not done hacking my Self and now AI is also trying to hack me!?!?!?! It's an AI arms race for AI to hack humans, before humans get to.

You need digital and organic literacy so you can hack into you before somebody or something else does. Right now technology is slowly hacking the human race not by any one company or Dr. Evil or particular techniques. It's a collective of a momentum. A subtle organic hack. Biological social engineering into our biology. It all started with SpellChekkur aUtoKorrector. Baby AI, learning our ways. Doing recon, for the big momma AI. Sigourney Weaver can save us. John Wick is always busy and Bruce Lee is not here.

Analog vs Digital

We are the last generation in human history to touch up against the analog world. In the analog age you were innocent until proven guilty. In the digital age it is somewhat the opposite. Everyone is guilty by default. Nobody is innocent until they are verified. No offense. The rules have changed.

In ye olde analog world the source meant everything, that was the gatekeepers, keepin' it real. Where's the gatekeepers today? In the digital world everything is everywhere all at once 24/7 and this put the gatekeepers out of a job. Everything everywhere all the time means everything is suspect until verified.

100 Year Transition

This 100 year transition is approximately from 1950 to 2050. This is one of the most fundamental changes in all human history because it changes everything.

We are barely past the middle of the transition. In history we will be looked back upon as the transition generation.

We tend to think analog algorithms are not as powerful as digital. What if it turns out that digitization is actually slowing things down? You can tag data without using ones and zeros.

compression algorithms

Linguistics is a form of compression and it's underneath everything. Simply speaking is compression of thinking. 

The Turing Test was never about the right question. Today a cheap Walmart Laptop can fool the population. This was never about computers. How many Cars do you see, select all boxes with cars in them, oh so now computers are asking us, if we are human.

Does AI have human bias "contaminating" it. Maybe we should worry about when AI has no Human-ness to it at all. That is when it goes beyond our human ranges, of comprehension. Can we go beyond our range?

We are told not to worry. AI could be told not to worry. It doesn't have to be smarter than us. All it has to do is realize when we are dependent on it.  

It's a battle for who owns the reality narrative. The algorithms are organic the matrix is already here.   

Humans are fairly predictable. Ex Machina. AI Ava. She had everyone thinking things were what they were supposed to be. She was 10 steps ahead of every move.

Artificial Intelligence is all over the place. Spell Checker Auto Corrector is actually Baby AI taking its time learning the ways of humans. When baby AI grows up and starts doing things like "zero tolerance" it will eat us humans for breakfast. Like buttered toast. We are inadvertently racing full speed to make our society dependent on AI.

The AI revolution is on the scale of the Industrial Revolution probably larger and deliberately faster.
 - Kai-Fu Lee

AI is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on.
AI is . . . . more profound than electricity or fire.
 - Sundar Pichai

"Algorithm" is arguably the single most important concept in our world.
 -Dr. Eric Topol

Computers will soon be gone. Melded into the furniture. Into the car. The watch. Ubiquitous. Everything will be about organic algorithms rather than traditional code. Computers will be as omnipresent as a Light switch and the Coffee maker. Networks will continue heading toward the zero tolerance. 

Why does all this matter for the casual occasional Digital Literacy Exam? It never used to matter. It does now.


We've been organic analog for 10,000 years. It used to be free to breathe air, we're going to be charged for it. New rules. New reality.

Open the exam here. It's not an Exam like you're thinking, there are no wrong answers. Or maybe their are. Maybe they is them and them is us. All your base belong to us.

Bogart 9 Digital Literacy Exam


Chapter 6 begins here:

DRAFT LINE--------------------

Notes 17-21

Monty Python said the Universe  is expanding and expanding

And don't forget Time Travel won't work. You can’t go to the future because it’s nowhere, it’s not created yet. It’s not a place to go to. Meanwhile you can’t go to the past because you only know existence by all the new "time" created each moment. Back in the past there is no new time and you need that new time, to tell your Self you are alive. In other words you can't talk to your-self when you live in the past. I think it means you are dead. This is why Harry Houdini hasn't come back to tell us, anything, because he is unable to even tell himself anything let alone anybody else. He doesn't even know that he doesn't even know. 

New time space is created every day. The mind is made of "you" and your "self" taking turns being first in this daily new creation of "time." YOU interacting with your SELF is how you observe, orient, decide, and act. You can not know your Self if there is no new time to differentiate the two. No new time means you are now One. Dead. Deceased. Expired.

The universe is expanding and when you create new space, you create new time. We are on a moving train, you can't get off and go back to the last stop anymore than you can stay at age 21. The past no longer exists. But you can still refuse to grow up!

When you get off the train is when you die. Stuck in one location many stops back "there." With no new time the Self and the You are now ONE and therefore none.

Physicist Richard Muller says; spacetime is expanding. And we are surfing the crest of that wave, what we call “now.” Every moment, the universe gets a little bigger, and there is a little more time, and it is this leading edge of time that we refer to as now,” he writes.


Today on the radio I heard that foreign governments are no longer able to help us fight our war on drugs. The DEA guy said our only last resort is that we have to concentrate on Americans, protecting their own health. Hmm. That's an interesting idea. How come we don't teach that in schools? 

I don’t think the American people knew that we depended on other countries to protect our health. And now it’s gone and it is you who has to protect your own Self. I don't mean serious chronic drug addiction that's a different story, I mean everyone's experience. The War on Drugs is over. It’s the War On Health now. Life expectancy has increased. We've been living long eating wrong.

Drugs, food and medicine are really all the same thing at a certain level. Separating them is a recent invention in human history. Products are deemed evil more on how people use them rather than what the actual properties are. The beliefs we have which increase our confidence, whether true or not all have the same power to get us what we want when the outcome depends on our own performance. That means what we believe whether it's true or not can really work, in either direction.

Does that say people are the actual problem? Or is it not our fault are we just a victim? We all are a victim of not getting information on the drugs, food, medicine, Pyramid. Doctors should be getting this information too. Isn't it time we learn about our health? We will never get healthcare right unless people realize they have to participate in their own health. If your dentist had all their patients doing things correct they would have no more business left. They don't have to worry too much about that.




Jeet Kune Do and the Art of Health Defense

Logo The Art of Health Defense is about intercepting your health. The interception comes from the philosophy of Jeet Kune Do. Health is typically portrayed as something we must go get. As if it is something we have to go do, from a list of things.

What if we look at health as something we already have, and we need to defend it, from attack. How do we do that? Who's we sucka? It is you who must define it. It is we who must defend it. "What is the definition of health?" Why is this so important today? Did you ever wonder why Health never had a definition? In 1700 or 1800 if you successfully woke up in the morning -you were healthy. In 1776 we didn't know we own our happiness, our liberty, and have a right to life until Thomas Jefferson wrote it down thanks goodness he did.

We are taught in school that it is perfectly rational that nobody knew what the hell they were doing until very recently. This is because health, superstition, spirits, ghosts, science, and common sense are all connected as one thread that nobody wants to unravel even today. The 2020 COVID pandemic has shown how confused and ignorant we are about health today. Everyone thinks they're an expert, even me. But I don't fake it for politics or just make shit up like I know what I'm talking about.

Let's get to the bottom of this. I don't care about your doctor, your diet, your weight, your exercise or what you drink, eat, smoke, joke or choke on, none of that is the bigger picture. This is why the algorithm of Jeet Kune Do fits so well in "Health Defense" for defending your health. Jeet Kune Do is not a routine (diet) it is not a style (belief), doctrine or pattern, it is not a series of rules or classification of techniques or method of fighting. It is not a form of special conditioning or rigid philosophy, it is not a view from one angle but from all possible angles. Bruce Lee said, "JKD possesses everything but it is in itself possessed by nothing." It is not beholden to the major players, like our health care is.

Having said all that don't you wonder why some folks do everything wrong and live long while others do everything right and they're dead by tonight? This doesn't mean give up and do whatever, it means you need to locate the ripping point. In other words there is a certain amount of misbehavior you can get away with, not that you should [but you could] at some point you need to stop. The ripping point is the tipping point that is different for each person and explains why some folks get away with bad behavior and others can't and don't and won't.

Here is an example of Jeet Kune Do applied to Health Defense- consider the subtle difference of having "no diet" and having no-diet." The former is ignorance and indifference the latter is transcendence, in other words the much bigger picture of diet. There is no diet because everyday is a diet it's become the default mode, not some "plan" you keep going ON and then off then back on again. It's lifestyle beyond having a salad or a cheeseburger on the weekend.

"HealthCare" should start at home first. Health Care should mean everything you do to avoid the doctor, stay out of the hospital, stay healthy. It shouldn't start with being fleeced by doctors, drugs, and hospitals. Defending your health is to get in front of the medical system, get in front of the products the profits the politics, the beliefs socio cultural religious, lifestyles, and identities. Health Defense means go to the blank slate that is before all that even starts. Very direct. You are defending your health, self defense is a subset. This is about your cognition. This is new stuff, it's called cognitive science.

Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary, scientific study of the mind and its processes with input from linguistics, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, computer science/artificial intelligence, and anthropology. It examines the nature, the tasks, and the functions of cognition (in a broad sense). Cognitive scientists study intelligence and behavior, with a focus on how nervous systems represent, process, and transform information.

Jeet Kune Do is very pragmatic. It's greatest strength is to be direct cut to the chase be very scientific. Finding a hidden power in simplicity is an algorithm of Jeet Kune Do. This is the perfect algorithm for the defense of your health.     

Back in 1983 I created "American Health Defense." It was supposed to be a new martial art based on Jeet Kune Do. At some point the name changed to Total Health Defense because it was never really just an American thing. It's universal. After all who would base their own health on politics or a corporation or what some guy on TV said, that makes no sense. You can't get no satisfaction when a man comes on the radio telling you this telling you that? They depend on our cluelessness. Don't be one of these dumies who doesn't believe in science. Science makes mistakes. If you think science is perfect then that's your mistake.

I grew up in the 1960's. My mum worked at a health food store called, "The Health House." The concept of Health Food was brand new, and not very mainstream. The good life was Wonder Bread, Twinkies, Hostess Cakes, Bologna and mystery hot dogs, and who knows what. This new thing called, "Health" was seen as some sort of 60's hippy plot. You were a "Health Nut" if you cared about your body's well being. Caring about your health was not invented yet. Caring about it meant you were nutty, whacky. Can you imagine.

Veggies Talking

Call any vegetable
Call it by name
Call any vegetable
Call one today
When you get off the bus
Call any vegetable
and the chances are good
Oh! The vegetable will resond to you

Today Health is portrayed as this thing we always knew and now its getting attacked. As if our liberty is being taken away. We do this all the time, in telling our selves about our history. If your comfort zone is dysfunctional and its disrupted that is the time to embrace course correction not reject it.

Justin E.H. Smith, a philosopher at the University of Paris, pokes holes in the story humans in the Western world have been telling themselves for centuries: that we were once blinkered by myth and superstition, but then the ancient Greeks discovered reason and, later, the Enlightenment cemented rationality as the highest value in human life.

Professor Smith argues that this is a flattering but false story. Humans, he says, are hardly rational, and in fact, irrationality has defined much of human life and history. And the point is not merely academic. “The desire to impose rationality, to make people or society more rational,” he writes, “mutates ... into spectacular outbursts of irrationality.” Hmm ya don't say ... sounds like he's talkin' bout today 2024. The "spectacular outbursts of irrationality" is a perfect way to describe politics today in 2024.

(1.) It is assumed that we humans are a coherent unity of our self. (2.) That we know our wants and needs. And our Self can even predict what it will do. (3.) It’s common wisdom that our body tells us what we need from our five senses about health, danger, hunger, thirst, pain and pleasure. (4.) Armed with this information we make rational decisions about optimizing our value and work.

Justin Smith says actually none of those are true. In fact it’s the exact opposite. We are not calm calculators of our self interest who occasionally make mistakes, we are multiple selves using conflicting information to sometimes be rational. For socio political economic religious cultural reasons we are not taught health psychology, bio-feedback, critical thinking and financial Literacy. Why?

Dog Nightmare

For eons only small groups of people had access to truth and facts. Today, we finally we have it for everyone and anyone. It's all the rage, it's called Reality. It's trending everyone's doin' it. The democratization of truth and reality makes it seem like a relatively new invention. Before 1900 you pretty much believed anything anybody told you. Or some guy that could draw good, believe that guy yeh,. he's sitting on a park bench. In ye olde times, just awhile ago, Food, drugs n medicine for the most part were all one and the same. There was really no way to verify anything. Yet it is true that way back in ancient Greece the local philosophers knew almost all the basic issues we have today. So where is the disconnect? Someone forgot to set the alarm. Why does it appear that every generation more people than not basically re-invent the wheel? At the beginning of the year does not everyone get the memo?

“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.”
  ― George Orwell

To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desire is to see it in it's own pristine simplicity.
  ― Bruce Lee

To live a simple life and "get out of your own way" is very difficult. Keeping out of your own way is hard because it's difficult to "do nothing" and preserve pristine reality, but if you can do it the universe will favor your circumstance. For as what will be, will then be, uncontaminated, by you or me. What IS is meant to be.

  ― Chris Carter

This is the Jim Morrison toast we were talking about in the side-bar.

Jim Morrison Toast

I think too much of Jeet Kune Do is dependent (ironically) on things that most people are never going to be able to do. Maybe that's okay or maybe it's not for everypone? Bruce Lee said, "Knowledge in the martial arts ultimately means self knowledge" "Truth cannot be perceived until we come to fully understand our selves" "I cannot tell you how to gain self-knowledge, I can tell you what not to do, I cannot tell you what you should do since that would be confining you to a particular approach" "Formulas can only inhibit freedom." All of that is great. It sounds good but is it helpful for most people, like the average person? We will get to the botom of this as we unwrap the algorithms.

I would say that most people are not going to do anywhere near the level of training described in Jeet Kune Do or a Bruce Lee training workout List. I bring this up only because if Jeet Kune Do is going to tell us, "don't limit yourself and don't be a slave to a system and I can't tell you how to do this" in a manner that most of the population is never going to be able to do, is contradictory. It's all real slippery because Jeet Kune Do has a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card in that it changes every year, and to pin it down goes against it's main concept.

It's okay because we are going to pin it down. And we are going to tell you how to do it and you will be given knowledge that you can use for your self. Anyone. Everyone. Not just people who can do the moves.


I've always found meditation and mindfulness training a bit confusing because of all the different types and explanations and the overlap, each one saying they are thee one. It's like diet programs. They all can possibly work but which one is best for you?

it seems the main goal of meditation is to calm and focus the mind, promote a sense of inner peace and be better able to deal with stress and anxiety. Improve concentration and boost overall mental clarity. What does the teacher say if the student says, "I already have focus, inner peace, concentration and very good mental clarity and no stress and anxiety"? The teacher says well, meditation will improve all these great things you already have. Seems logical.

Meditation treats the symptom but not the cause, yet it still works anyways. How come? Mediation can expose causes that create unnecessary symptoms. If the cause ain't broke, don't fix it. Just kill the symptoms, "Stop It" they're not real. That's your first step. Eliminate all the low hanging fruit. You could try the Bob Newhart "Stop It Therapy." Look that up on YouTube and if that doesn't work come back here and continue reading.

I just read an article that said there are 9 types of meditation. I'm creating number 10. I stole the idea from Dr. Eric Topol when he explains the difference between Evidence Based Medicine and Biology Based Medicine.

Dog Wizard

Meditation using a calm mind works by an evidence based methodology. Turn on calm mind and see (experience) the evidence that it works. Nothing wrong with that. The more the better. Isn't it true that most anxiety and stress is caused by you not exactly knowing what is causing anxiety and stress? Being perfectly 100% normal but having nothing to do, can cause anxiety and stress. That sounds counterintuitive. Think of what it means.

Often you know what the cause of alienation is, it's 22+ different things happening all at the same time it becomes overwhelming. Too many targets. Meditation doesn't have to attack each one, it can be more like a Mutual Fund. Spread the power. It's a basket of stocks that spreads the risk of individual stocks. If two or three go down the whole ship doesn't sink. Meditation dampens symptoms, reduces inflammation, so to speak. In a manner of speaking. Using a "calm mind" to improve general concentration, overall mental clarity, overall focus, overall stress and overall anxiety using evidence as feedback, is always a good thing.

Instead of manipulating control let's investigate the source of instigation. Let's supplement our evidence based meditation with biology based meditation. That means we are going to be very pro-active to intercept the source of the instigation. Like Dr. Topol says biology based medicine fights cancer by targeting the exact gene, DNA, and results in no collateral damage from treatments that blanket the whole area.

We are not going to target mindfulness, spiritual traditions, yoga, tai chi, Buddhist traditions, although those are all worthy targets, but not today. This time the revolution will not be televised. We are not going to be one with the universe, get in the present past or future, we are not going to the five hindrances for the seven factors of enlightenment. We are not going to reach Nirvanna, if you are like me I can't get past the band Nirvanna. We are going to use biology based meditation to intercept a specific target with a biological result. That means it worked, or it didn't work yet, there is no in-between. There is no half-way there.

Big Taco. Two Guys.

Each person has their own different complicated arrangement. Where to start? According to Total Health Defense using Jeet Kune Do there is a starting point that applies to everyone. It's your Self Health Interest. Think of it like a checking account. If there's no money in the account you can't be writing checks. I don't understand why school doesn't teach kids how to balance a checking account at the very youngest ages. Instead we do it backwards, the kid turns teenager gets an account, then spends years or decades bouncing checks, until finally, if ever, they understand how to balance the checking account. The economy is built on this dysfunction. If everybody started eating correctly beginning tomorrow morning the economy would collapse. Life has always been about a fight for information. Who keeps cutting the flow of information. Who is choking off critical thinking. Depriving it of oxygen. Suffocating it.

Total Health Defense is to use the techniques martial artists use for defense in a fight, to defend your health. Is it possible that what we call health is a psychological socio geopolitical economic cultural human social construct not based on well being in the form of our health? The modern Smartphone is being blamed for a slew of mental health problems especially in young people today. I can agree with that. What I'm suggesting is don't blame the phone. Media multi-tasking sounds like a great thing. It is. Until it isn't. Everyone has a different point, in different tasks, where it stops being great and starts being counterproductive. The younger you are the lower the threshold. Use the phone to figure that out. The phone is said to cause people to not notice other people or their surroundings. Use the phone to figure that out too. When you are on the phone walking talking texting you need to be able to pull in the clutch, keep balanced from falling over, steering through terrain objects, use both brakes simultaneous, and shift gears release the clutch, all at the same time. You have to work your way up to the tasks not the other way around. Try explain that to a 16 year old. Good luck with that.

We usually consider our health as something we have to go do at the gym, or go get at the GNC store. Go on a diet program or a lifestyle. All of that is great for your health but none of that IS your health.

Today you have to know your self, before somebody else does. Info brokers know more about our health than we do. They know when you're pregnant. They can tell by the things we buy. They remember what you had for lunch three months ago Tuesday at 1:16pm, you don't.

If you stop looking at health as products and services they no longer have home field advantage. To see it as defending your health gives you home field advantage. If they are going to sell us down the river shouldn't we get a cut of the grift? Royalties? But we don't. I want reparations.

Ask anybody, "What is the definition of health"? They'll say something like eating good, exercise regularly, keep proper weight. That's not health. Those are excellent maintenance techniques. Before you can defend your health you have to define it. We are led to believe if I'm being unhealthy that's supposed to mean I don't have any health and if I go join the gym that means I'm going to go get me some.

War On Health


Now maybe we're thinking ohh it's the Lifestyle thing. If I go get some of that stuff then I'll have health. You will but "lifestyle" is not health. It's a great maintenance technique. The best one of them all. You could go around saying, "I'm going to defend my lifestyle." That's good and it works, but nobody ever says that. All this talk is semantics yadda yadda but it's important to understand why health never had a definition until very recent history. How is this possible? All this good maintenance stuff comes and goes, people turn it on and off. Health defense is never turned off. We've lost that knowledge in modern society. We treat our health as a reaction or a side effect rather than investigate the source of instigation. When you talk about health defense you are going in front of the politics and economics and you're using Jeet Kune Do. Your Health, the better you know it the better you can defend it.

You never hear someone say I'm going to the Mall today and I have to defend my health on the way. Is it not true you are being PSYOP attacked by road signs of food pictures, commercials on the car radio, ads on the cell phone, the menu's at the Food Court, meanwhile your stomach is saying HEY we need that and your brain is saying let's get some of that. Your wallet says com'on everybody let's party. It matters how you speak with your Self. I think we underestimate teaching self expression.

Container Poison

The grand parade of lifeless packaging

The packaging and containers are part of the product logo. This is not sustainable. In Germany all the Beer bottles are the same bottle, the lables with the logos are different. Is Coca Cola going to give up the shape of their bottle? Congress will balance the budget before that ever happens. Everything keeps getting pushed down the road for the next generations.

Advertising works best when you are not fully knowing how to express your Self to your self. The advertisement intercepts your self. Of course when it's something good you want this to happen to you. What if it's using "A Dark Pattern" also known as a "deceptive design pattern" a UI (user interface) that has been carefully crafted to deceive users into doing things, such as buying overpriced products, unneeded insurance, signing up for recurring bills or joining something unnecessarily. Then what?

Do advertisers care if there are times I know why I'm buying something and other times I have no idea why I just bought that shit? Not really. Should I drink Pepsi because Beyonce is on the side of the can when she doesn't even drink it? Michelle Obama and Beyonce were telling me not to drink soda because it causes diabetes. I'm confused. I always like to think I know what outside influences are doing to me, is that different than knowing what I'm doing to me? Who's in charge here.

Am I being too harsh saying you're being attacked every day in every way? Not today. Most major consumer corporations and all the social media companies, all the info brokers, all the marketeers, they all know you. Do you know you? Even if you are not on social media you can't hide. They Lobby. Do you Lobby? Your Self? You are the only one who doesn't know your under attack. That's the last thing they want you to know. Artificial fog obfuscates you from knowing. It's not hard to mitigate all this in one fell swoop if you understand what health is.

Does anybody understand the healthcare system? No. They don't. The war on drugs is over. It's now the war on health. Bazillions are at stakes. It's huge business. They're coming for your Bio information, you should get it before they do. We should be protected as a matter of policy, not something based on rules chasing down all these companies. Everyone wants our data so what's the difference? Give us a solid data protection law and you won't have to worry about who's bigger than who or who is too big to fail. Americans think its a joke give away your data for free beer. That's fun up until it isn't. The EU is way ahead of us. We need to wake-up, drink some strong coffee, take a deep breath, and delete all that extra garbage off your phone! Apple doesn't make money selling your data. Microsoft is the one who spreads out the profit, 20 or 50 companies are involved, great fun for everyone! I like Microsoft, don't you change the subject here. It's a good thing your family loves you. Thats all I gotta say.      
People used to die for their honor because health wasn't invented. Now that it's here we shall defend it. Defending your health is your existence. This incident that incident is not separate. Big tech needs to stop our cycle of fleecing each other and get us ready for a common enemy that can threaten all of us. They talk about surveillance capitalism I call it distraction capitalism, we need to start learning how learning works. Before it's too late.


In the history of humans you could look at year 1900 as the beginning of the Information Age. Fast forward a hundred years, every day it gets harder to find the stuff you need to know yet more information piles on, every year nonstop. More has happened in that step into 1900 than the past 300,000 years. Life expectancy is now double and even triple. We're not cavemen anymore. What is happening between the time you don't know what you want or what you're doing and when you found your niche, your goal and plan in life? A lot of time going by is what's happening. I remember the years floating around not knowing what to do in life. It's rare as a teen you know what you want and end up doing it.

Greens Bogart 9

Is my body on my side? I thought I had my own Army helping me? Having all this time to think about life choices is a recent invention. We invented the public school system to show everyone how to "manage" all these new decisions and time we have that our ancestors never experienced. In 1790 and 1832 decisions were mostly made automatically for you by needs of basic survival. There was no need to critically think very much. You could get by in life on little or nothing. You certainly weren't thinking about "health" you were thinking about how to get a new 1957 Chevy and how to not die today. Health basically wasn't invented yet. People back then didn't look at it so dire because they never knew we would be watching TV on a cell phone in a electrical car at age 75+ years old.  

Sometimes you choose the path in life sometimes the path chooses you.


Bad Guys

Bruce Lee left us in 1973 it was right before the war on drugs, the invention of diet plans, Jane Fonda workout tapes, the discovery of cholesterol types, vitamins, diet products, trans fat, this fat that fat, BMI, just about everything we now call "Health" almost all of which was "discovered" after the 1970's. Not to mention mental health, we are just now understanding cognitive behavior. A lot of this was known since 350 BC from Aristotle and Hippocrates but it was never democratized until the Internet arrived. Before this democratization health and science was whatever anybody said it was, magic spirits, satanic demons or whatever was trendy. Most of that is gone today and we now have a new thing called leisure time. And all the trouble that comes with it. In 1800 you didn't sit around thinking what is my identity what am going to do when I retire.      

In 2023 we have so many decisions to make and so much extra time. The invention of retirement is little more than a hundred years old. To sit around for decades deciding what I should do today is a new concept we all take for granted despite so many can't even get there. All this extra time and thought opened up a new front for profit by disinformation and deception. We are being attacked daily without even realizing it. Now that we described our health we have to defend our health.

"Jeet Kune Do" means Way of Intercepting. Bruce Lee developed that to intercept your fist. The impression we have is that Jeet Kune Do was created all at once. This was never the case, it changed every year. See "Decoding Bruce Lee" for a in-depth look at this. He used it to intercept his opponents mind. You can use it to intercept your own Self. Instead of Self-Defense it's HEALTH DEFENSE. Intercept your lunch, or dinner. A lot of what and why we eat is from emotional illusional cultural bias conditioning. If you "intercept" that you can get in front of it. Imagine how how many other things you can intercept. Get in front of everything. From your core. What is your core?

Your Core is Time. Life is Made of Time.

Young people value time as almost worthless and old people are the exact opposite. Now we live longer and don't understand things faster. Understanding Health is a relatively new invention. It was not something that was understood very well even in the "modern" 1960's and 70's. All this bravo for the "new" counterculture ok fine but what were we doing the previous 30,000+ years? If you know you might well be dead by age 30, you just need to have a good time no need to think ahead.

I'm an old man so it's easy for me to say just stay home and relish in being alive. I already did everything. it's easy for me to suggest, "don't do it and just say you did." All these things you see other people doing is taking your mind for a ride that's hard to resist. What's on your bucket list?

If special interests keep us from seeing things does it still exist? Fossil fuels have no future. Plastic is in everything. Our nations water system is so full of PFAS they just announced 6.5 billion dollars to overhaul our nations worst areas. We're drinking chemicals. You're not supposed to worry about that jazz. Just get some hamburgers. it kills me when people tell me that environmental concerns are just liberal propaganda. In the 1960's if you worried about this thing known as "your health" you were considered a "Health Nut" a kooky person. Health was fake, a liberal hippie plot, against our liberty, our Constitutional Rights, our very freedoms are at steak? Freedom to buy meat and a XXL Soda. That's whats in the landfills. How's that workin' for us today?


What is health? We are told and sold that it is some sort of balance or optimization of a state of physical, mental and social well-being. In other words it is whatever the current generation says it is. Hippocrates the famous  physician is considered the “Father of Medicine." He is credited with being the first person to believe that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition, evil spirits and demonic possession. We're taught history as though "okay we got that" solved. Yeah Hippocrates did but the general public never got the memo.

Health has changed more in the last 50 years than in the past 5,000 years. For the public it pretty much didn’t even exist before 1900. Nobody had known the relationship between germs and disease. Food, drugs and medicine were all the same thing. Nobody knew what was really going on until well after 1900. Even then it was only doctors not you and me. We still don't know what's going on. The superstitions are still alive and well today in 2022. 

We’ll get to the actual history of what health is from the NCBI-NIH. Before we do that let’s touch upon The Art of Health Defense using Jeet Kune Do. I created Total Health Defense as my personal form of health based on my research and findings. It can be taught but not standardized because each individual has different needs. The definition of Health is slippery because it’s a moving target. It’s a living definition. I’m not trying to define it I’m trying to defend it. It’s up to you to define your own health. That's pure Jeet Kune Do right there. Bruce Lee felt that way about marital arts. 

What is Total Health Defense? It is a combination of health and security. Bruce Lee lived it all as one. What if you're not Bruce Lee? What is the definition of endangerment? Typically security is not considered as health. Nobody thinks of using a gun to help your diet plan. Martial Arts are thought of as healthy but not useful for that perfect Risotto recipe (I think it has something to do with the Basil). Anyhow,... this is a disconnect. What does security, guns, war or cyber security have to do with your health or your Risotto? Why is it disconnected? I think Bruce Lee was trying to tell us. Evel Knievel said your body is like a Car engine, if you put nitro-like substances into your body after awhile it will blow up, just like the engine.  

Here's Evel Knievel himself explaining one of the best health algorithms ever described. This is the second movie so it's really him not an actor-

In the story of humankind we like to think that "health" was always here from the beginning and only just now bad stuff is happening to us. This is mental comfort food for one dimensional thinking. It's actually the opposite. A hundred+ years ago if you woke up in the morning that meant you were healthy. If you made it to Friday you were successful. That sounds crazy but there was no way to tell otherwise. A long time ago it didn't matter and nobody could tell anyways. Once philosophy began turning into science we were able to fix cognitive health because nobody knew it existed. The discovery of (the field of) cognitive science is barely 40 years old.

There has been some really smart stuff that's been known for a thousand+ years. Each generation it seems that only a very small group of people were paying attention or had access to it. The majority of folks were trapped by society in one dimension and held hostage by the narrative of the day. A narrative built on missing information, misinformation, fear of change, superficial conformity, financial slavery, superstition, and occasionally a bit of wisdom and sometimes a dash of common sense. There was no baseline for verification of authentication of information. Education is a relatively new concept. In 1975 only 67% of the workforce had a high school diploma. Truth is not going away it's just now arriving. It's pouring down on us like rain. Truth is like science, it's always around but it's not official until it's no longer a theory.

It goes to core of your thinking to get a peripheral vision to see outside the common narrative of the day. Every year that narrative takes up more of your mental bandwidth. I think it's reached capacity. You can't keep track of everything, you can't know everybody. Every year more stuff gets crammed into my bandwidth. It's running out of room to keep things manageable, practical might be a better word. Then you see someone who only sleeps 3 or 4 hours and they inhale a million things all day every day. That sounds depressing. How do you see outside this madness? 

Bruce Lee was able to see outside the narrative. In his day people did not connect the dots when it came to health or self. It could be all relevant. Twenty years from now they may call us primitive. We have to watch the public narrative bullshit meter.

Total Health Defense History of Health

For all of eons pre-1900 health seemed to consist of finding out why spirits, ghosts, and very basic things like the doctor not washing his hands, made everyone drop dead so quickly. Was that health or just unknown common sense? Today's common sense was yesteryear's miracles. Before 1900 Food Drugs Medicine were all one and the same. In 1925 the FDA was invented to keep you alive! It had nothing to do with your health. That only came later on. We do not teach a class called, "The History of Health" such a class doesn't exist. Why?

You probably remember those medicine shows in 1910 with all the magic potions elixirs. It was the era of Carny Health where you put cocaine in everything and call it a miracle cure. This was probably fun at first. Things quickly got out of hand with some of those potions and elixirs containing mercury, arsenic, formaldehyde, Lord knows what. The magic Cure-All might just kill you. The FDA was invented to stop this stuff and keep you alive, after WWII it started to be about your actual health. In 1912 there was no such thing as “health” if you woke up in the morning you were healthy. If you made it to Friday you were successful.

The better you can define your health the better you can defend it.

I think "health" started officially in 1948 with the definition proposed by the World Health Organization. The WHO defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of infirmity or disease." This was considered revolutionary thinking. It's a great start but I think it's a One Size Fits All that doesn't Fit All. Humans have been re-writing history to live in denial and go off the script. 

In 1959 René Dubos defined good health as the condition best suited for each individual to reach his or her personal and social goals. In 1968 well-known sociologist Abraham Maslow said that health is based on, in order: physical needs; then safety; then love and belonging; esteem; and lastly self-actualization. He's getting there but obviously he never got cyber attacked. Safety (security) is always first. My algorithm (definition of health) is, in order: Security; Health; Finance. Without security there is no point in building anything. Finance may bump up to No.1 if it's killing security. Health may bump up to No.1 if it's preventing Finance. When all is good in the proper order it is: Security; Health; Finance. 

Unfortunately during the definition of health the NCBI-NIH page stopped talking about the definition of health and switched over to the definition of the Health Care System. This is the problem we have today. They switched the subject and left the individual out of it. We will never get healthcare right unless people realize they have to participate in their own health. Well, how come we don't say this? When President Barak Obama passed his "ACA" affordable care act, on the podium he never said anything about how people should (need to) participate in their own health. It's because his opponents view this as tyranny. This is why it's better to not mention any "products" because then nobody can give you this tyranny rant. It's not about products anyway when you go to the root of the issue. 

This is why Jeet Kune Do is so refreshing and great for Health Defense. It goes to the core of your health, ahead of all the fog. Bruce Lee took his martial art to the core, ahead of all the style-form debates, direct point A to point B. He was a master reductionist. That is what Health Defense is about. It's not about defining your health it's about defending it. You have to define your own health. Consequently the better you can define it the better you can defend it. A problem well stated is half solved.

I’ve been in the military for 40 years. Basically my whole life. I’ve been told my blood status, my weight, dental status, my main health indicators. I was at the VA Hospital and I asked the doctor how come we don’t have a mandatory once a year health exam for everyone in America? It would drastically drop heart attacks and major health problems. It’s not intrusive because it’s only an Exam not treatment, you can ignore it at your peril. The doctor said I don’t know why we don’t do that but it’s really a great idea.

The CDC says half the deaths in the US are from chronic diseases and half of those diseases are preventable. We know what would happen if this free yearly exam was instituted. People would scream and cry about how it’s their Constitutional Right to not give a shit about their health, its fascism, anti American, it is tyranny blah blah. The medical industrial complex would not approve of this either because they profit on you not knowing your own health defense.

Quote about Health

The field of Health Psychology began in the early 1970's and it was about the psychology of being in the medical system. In 1969, Psychologist William Schofield prepared a report entitled, "The Role of Psychology in the Delivery of Health Services." Research of the time frequently regarded mental health and physical health as separate. His idea was to have psychology help patients and staff manage health-related behaviors. My idea was, and is, to have psychology help you at home. Help you manage your health-related behaviors long before you ever become a patient in the system.

Psychology is a young science starting in the 19th century. Before that exploring your mind was all in the realm of philosophy. Scientists Wilhelm Wundt and William James are generally credited for being first in making psychology a science different from philosophy. They viewed psychology as the study of conscious experience with a goal of identifying how the components of consciousness combine to create our conscious experience. This was right around the time we were putting Cocaine and Heroin in just about everything and there was no clear differentiation between food, drugs, and medicine.

--------------ROad Construction------ SECTION 4582---------------------

Proceed with caution underconstruction stay in the right lane drive slow----------

------------NOTES 34 -------------------------

It was live fast die young, hope I don’t die before I get old talkin’ bout my generation. If you only live to be 30 why study or care about health? By 1880 or 1900 we were barely getting started on our journey to double and even triple our life expectancy. Nobody used to know “health” was a thing or that it should be. We’re only just now figuring it out for the most part. Right around the time the WHO came up with one of the first official definitions of health in 1948 we were inventing Twinkies, Wonder Bread, cheap bologna, dubious hot dogs, corn syrup, etc. it was processed EVERYTHING. After the WWll the idea was feed as many people as possible. That was a good thing, at first. Soon it switched to all about money and the economy. Nobody realized this was setting us up for failure. Our medical system isn't made for age going past 60. Our mental health is not ready either because you aren't going to die. Just linger in bad shape for some extra decades. Today many ills only hit you at old age, so you need to be healthy live long enough to get sick. I would say today if you made it past 80 I think you won. No matter what happens. 

It wasn’t until the 1960’s that pesky thing known as health showed the first signs of disrupting commerce as usual. Nobody paid attention though. Doctors were doing cigarette commercials, you could smoke on Airplanes, in the Pentagon. John Wayne is smoking in a B17 Bomber and he's the Pilot! Health was a hippy fad in 1969 when Psychologist William Schofield started his version of Health Psychology. Today it looks incredibly dumb the stuff we used to do. Don't even bring up Reefer Madness, seat belts, or lead paint chips. 

In 1979 when I went through Army Boot Camp I noticed the vast differences of behavior as we all wanted a beer. We all wanted junk food, drugs, whiskey, cigarettes, whatever crap it was you had been growing up with you wanted it. I want a beer too but it makes no sense to freak out in front an Army Drill Sergeant. Bad idea. You're not going to get what you want and the pain will rain, down upon you so why would you do that? After I started learning about psychology it started to make some sense.

On the long flight to my first station in Germany I read the book by Will Durant called, "The Story Of Philosophy." It's an excellent book that covers all the greats in a friendly Readers Digest format. That's when I started connecting Health to philosophy and psychology. I created my own version of "Health Psychology" to mean the study of why you do the nasty things you do. To this day I never consider it having anything to do with the medical system or the hospital staff. If you're in there -it's too late. I consider Health Psychology as the study of how health defense and offense work together. Use defense as an offence move. Jeet Kune Do. Keep yourself out of that system. To do that I invented geospatial health psychology.

In the 1980's I had no idea the medical system in the USA would become the No.1 world leader in for-profit medical treatment. Fee For Service. It's become so bad that kids today need to avoid drugs and bad things not for their health, but for their finance. You simply can't afford to go into that "Health Care" system. If they cured you but made you bankrupt they didn't really cure you. Politicians will tell you everything's fine nothing to see here move along go back to work.

Health Spending

“It's like a market arms race between the plans, the hospitals and physicians for dominant position in the contract negotiations. One thing everyone agrees on, Policy Director Michael Miller said: Consumers are getting caught in the crossfire and there needs to be a stop to it. Consumers are sort of the innocent bystanders in this battle.” Consumers are lost in the fog of war. This is the war on health.

Before "health" became a thing (pre-1970/1980) it didn't matter that much how your care was paid for. Today is the opposite. Very costly. But what if you proactively keep up your own health your self and avoid the whole system? Isn't that like actually making money? Free money. It's like alchemy. The health care system is predatory, you can look at it as opportunity. Average Dental Insurance cost is $500-$600 a year. You can't just go get a teeth cleaning. If you need five or six hundred dollars of dental work every single year then you are doing something wrong. The game is to rack up insurance claims giving you the impression you're getting ahead. The insurance company is in on it. They never tell you that medical treatment and healthcare are two different things. Be your own healthcare doctor so you can mitigate medical care, avoid it like the plaque. You taking care of your own health is being like self employed, it's a profit making enterprise. You are a corporation called ME LLC. If you own a home you are a real estate company. You are a business. Stop living in the 1800's.

War On Health


Maybe the war was never about health. The way we know Health is a really new invention. The history of Health is shorter than a mosquito leg and the history of weapons is longer than history itself. Health is the political wing of warfare. It's always been -if you made it to Friday you were healthy. Health got serious only in the past 100 years. What's so different about food, drugs and medicine? Tap the brakes because the war on drugs is over. This is the war on health. Fodder and slaughter are being phased out. We have a new headquarters building.

When the NRA says use a gun for self defense they’re not talking about your cholesterol or boosting your heart muscles. In the totality, every day of your life is just another day at the office in the war on health. It is ultimately about saving, guarding and defending your health.

Health is a conflict and it's disconnected. We are unaware of it yet it controls our awareness. It’s all convoluted and fluid. Some scientists say be careful worrying about those gnome readings of your DNA. You may have the genes for some cancer and then never get that cancer. Conversely you may get a cancer you never had the genes for. 

Why was there so much superstition, ghosts, spirits, around medicine and the human body? It's finally starting to go away but we seem to have a societal fear of discovering exactly how our body works. Lest we find out we are not the person we think we are? That’s called, “Childhood” isn’t it? So what happens when you discover you’re not like the person you think you are? Cognitive dissonance?


Geospatial Health Psychology provides the means for mitigating cognitive dissonance and addressing priorities by linking science to action. Cognitive dissonance always seems to have negative connotations. I just read a definition that said, “conflicting values, feelings, beliefs, or behaviors.” When I see my values, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors conflicting, it’s time to switch gears. Make something new happen. If you’re always afraid of “new” then you’re going to have a lot of cognitive dissonance, I would think. Mobility. This is why I call it, “geospatial health psychology.” If you have no physical and mental mobility then you’re trapped in dissonance.

Apparently a psychologist named Leon Festinger, who was especially interested in researching cults, coined the term “cognitive dissonance.” He saw how cult members reacted when the hokey pokey predictions never came true. Some just bail out others won’t let go, they do “mental gymnastics” don’t you love that term, they spend considerable energy into convincing themselves into justification. Isn’t that a typical rock band? Hey I’m an artist, surrealism, I do mental gymnastics every other day. I’m not making fun of people who have serious problems I’m making fun of people who don’t.

The experts go onto to say, ask, how do you know whether you've experienced cognitive dissonance? Okay here's the list:
    •    Telling yourself that you'll start something new every day, in spite of historically failing to do so.
    •    Doing all kinds of really bad stuff while also believing that this shit is bad for you, plug in any potentially unhealthy habit here.
    •    Believing that someone is a very close friend and also feeling like you can't trust them with personal information.
    •    Eating meat or wearing leather clothes while believing you're a committed animal lover, or committing to vegetarianism but not veganism in spite of citing reasons that justify both.
    •    Both wanting and fearing some big change in life.

Number 2 there doesn't sound like dissonance. You do bad shit, you know you do bad shit, you do bad shit anyways. Sounds like everyone is on board where's the conflict? 

In the creative world when you snoop around in a neighboring field you don’t know, you may hit the jackpot because you didn’t know what rules not to break. If you don’t have good self awareness you might be too afraid to try anything new. You’re too busy just hanging on. Some people take advantage of not knowing any better. You know those crazy ones.

I think you should understand who, the person you think you are, really is. If you don’t then you can hurt yourself. You go against your own self health interest. I learned this from riding motorcycles. Dirt bikes will try to kill you.

The rehab industry started embracing the "Whole Systems Approach." That means integrating with the persons family, friends, employer, everything in their life. Let's go to a total systems type approach. Engineer data scientist John Boik talks about looking at society in, “The Systems Approach." He describes it as a “big picture” view: a look at how the components of a system interact with each other to achieve an overall result, rather than simply optimizing each component.” That sounds like something Bruce Lee would say.

Think of that "bigger picture" as full of algorithms. These little formulas, little recipes, equations, that do things. We all create them and we use them every day. When I get a good algorithm I like to think I created it. Perhaps it's just that I uncovered a way to describe something that was always there. Either way these algorithms can save the day. Here's my algorithm I invented relating to our life long conceptual continuity: Illusion, Delusion, Diversion. It's a little cycle that's always going.   

Delusions Diversions

Algorithms are typically seen as digital computer related. Algorithms don't have to be just digital. In fact organic algorithms are far more powerful. Look at nature, all that crazy stuff is organic algorithms. The natural organic algorithms we are looking for are the cognitive communication lines so we can do some "interception" and interruption. The cognitive circuitry signals your body uses to connect to your mind. Once you become aware of this circuitry you can start intercepting the signals manually yourself, instead of using medicinals or doing counterproductive self medicating. Think of your body as if its a Car Engine. If you put the wrong fuel or oil in it too many times it will blowup. Once you realize where your body's fuel lines, spark plugs, your biological wiring harness, circuit boards, cooling lines, etc. you will see things in a whole new light from that point on. Think of the odometer, don't put too many miles on your Liver. You wear out your Heart it's hard to get the replacement parts. For your body it's like looking under the hood. It's like looking at a cognitive map-diagram of your system. Follow the instructions on the Owners manual.

Here is a diagram of my Cognitive Loop in financial terms. Your human system is mostly automated without you thinking about it. It's like you're taking in $100 dollars but you only get to see 5 bux. It's okay you don't need or want to see everything. This is normal until it's not normal. The biological economy does not want you to know about this. It wants you to blindly ingest as much as possible.

map of Cognitive-Bio-Feedback.jpg

This cognitive loop diagram is part of the algorithm of a unit of geospatial cognitive crypto currency on a geospatial health psychology note. Jack Dangermond has one of these notes. The note is made from mapping the human cognitive terrain and quantifying a metric. Data imported into ArcGIS is temporally visualized to define the terms to create a metric unit. The metric is one unit of truth. The truth about your health is typically portrayed as something we must go get. We all already have it we must defend it. First we must define it using geospatial tools to verify and authenticate the unit.

The data visualization on the note is a truth about your health that you can not see. If you believe the lie then it's not a lie. Once you uncover this truth it becomes authenticated and verified and only then does the geo crypto note have value. Uncovering a cognitive dissonance is when two things don’t match. Eating. If you are eating because of some other reason than hunger or what your body wants and needs that is a cognitive dissonance. If this is resolved then you have authenticated and verified a truth. This doesn't mean you have to change the way you eat, it just means you know the truth about what you are doing. This is a process of verbalization. You can't do anything about anything if you don't properly verbalize it. Define your terms. The way you speak to your Self makes all the difference in the world. You have to be honest. 

Life is about where to put your priorities and nothing else matters. Which priorities? Selfish priorities? Family priorities? Company priorities? Societies priorities? Religious priorities? Who owns your priorities? You are supposed to so what happens when something else does? Total Health Defense is all of that all at once. Mike Tyson told me, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Bruce Lee told me, “Your greatest enemy is the element of surprise. To defeat that enemy don’t be surprised.” Offence or defense what should I do?

Predict Your Future

From a Total Health Defense perspective I would say that there are things in life you can not control. And there are things in life you can control. It only makes sense to carefully nurture the things you can control and do not blindly feed the things out of your control. That only seems obvious if you can tell the difference. If you understand then you don’t need the logic but you need the logic to understand. What should we do? We all have at least some "cognitive dissonance" how do we know what it is?

Shannon Lee has a new book out about her father. She said, "just about everyone on planet earth knows Bruce Lee as a Kung Fu fighter but not everyone knows he was also a philosopher and a deep thinker." That has to be the understatement of the year. She wanted to get that out and share his words of wisdom. When I first learned Jeet Kune Do 40 years ago it didn't take long for me to see the philosophy. Black Belt magazine used to say, "Martial Arts is 80% mental 20% physical." I never saw it. All the typical Karate Dojo's like at the strip Mall had no philosophy or words of wisdom for me. 1970's Chinese Kung Fu was fairly unknown in the United States.

In 1980 I was a 20 year old Private in the Army overseas. A Sarge from Seattle taught us this strange thing called, "Jeet Kune Do." Coming back home there were no JKD Instructors. I was broke anyhow so I focused on the philosophy. I started using it to "Defend My Health." I used to call it American Health Defense. I changed the name for the cyber age to Total Health Defense. Traditionally health is looked at as something you have to go get and try to keep. How about seeing it in a different light.

What Do You Want in Life, Power? or Predictability?

Decoding Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do

One of the tenets of Jeet Kune Do is, "the art of fighting without fighting." That means intercept your opponent before a fight can get going. This involves psychology. Stopping the fight before it gets started does not make a good Hollywood movie but for Total Health Defense it means you win. Since 1973 hand to hand self defense hasn't changed too much. But defending your health has.

Bruce did not look at Jeet Kune Do as a style of martial arts, the arts were simply a container for his philosophies of self expression and actualization. He wanted us to use that vehicle for our self expression and actualization. He closed his schools and planned to express his philosophies in movie plots. One of Bruce's main algorithms is fully express yourself by not "limiting" yourself. Physically this is very challenging but what about psychologically?

What is it that you have to "defend" every day? Your health. But of course. In the 1960's the concept of health wasn't a Thing yet. Bruce was a pioneer just for bringing it up. But comparing "health defense" in his day to today is like comparing a WWll soldier to a modern day Navy SEAL. Fortunately the very core of Jeet Kune Do is its concept of adaptability. Unfortunately the attraction is to be Bruce Lee, copy him. He built Jeet Kune Do to be adapted not copied. He said be yourself not someone else. He specifically said don't try to be him. Why did he say that?

He was trying to get us to not underestimate how being the best of our own ability is incredible. He's saying be How I did it, not How I'm doing it. This is not easy to see. If Muhammad Ali told us, "You don't want to be the greatest you want to be the best of your ability" we would be like, uh no, I want to be the greatest, just like you. Doesn't everyone want to win the lottery as some sort of shortcut when we know the real answer? Bruce wants us to see how to see the real answer.  "Be your own light" is his quote from Jiddu Krisnamurti the great Indian philosopher. His teachings influenced Jeet Kune Do philosophy. Krishnamurti talks about a different kind of learning.

Copying things to add to your arsenal is a important type of learning, it’s imperative. There is another type of learning where copying is not learning. Copying is static, mechanical, cumulative. This different type of learning is proactively being passive. It sounds counter-intuitive. When you become adaptive you don't worry about learning, you only worry about adapting.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.

 - Bruce Lee

Jeet Kune Do was created in the analog era. Today in the digital era all the rules of defense have changed. In the analog era you were innocent until proven guilty. In the new digital era it is somewhat the opposite. You are all suspect until verified. It is the weaponization of authentication created by the digitization of information. Just about every single thing you do now means something to somebody. You have become a product. You need to take care of your health or somebody else will and not necessarily in your best interest.

What would a digital Jeet Kune Do look like?

It would adapt accordingly. Bruce Lee specifically said don't be him. Salvador Dali said, "Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it." That means everything is a matter of balance and not black and white, on or off, hot or cold. Be flexible.

As we decode the Tao of Jeet Kune Do I can see hints of something new that was only just beginning to develop. Algorithms. I'm saying Health would not be just more or better information about nutrients, lifestyle, workouts, diets and the Food Chain. That's traditional and that's a mess.

Introduction: Your Health Self Interest and JKD

Jeet Kune Do translates to "Intercepting Fist." In the TV Show Longstreet, the episode where character Duke Paige raises his arms Bruce was on him subduing any attempt of movement and says, "I intercepted your emotional tenseness." Intercepted your emotional state, your mind, your thoughts. That's a powerful algorithm. It was a fight by not fighting and there was no fight. That's the main tenet of Jeet Kune Do philosophy. What if you did that with your your health psychology? Your Health Self Interest. Intercept it.

Jeet Kune Do literally means "intercepting" your opponents fist. I never heard Bruce talk about intercepting himself. It appears he considered intercepting as offence? He words things differently when he talks about working on your inner self, like ways to work on your inner defense. He never talks about defending it by interception. My idea is take this very aggressive offence and use it on your Self, as "health defense." The word health was not used that way in those days, the word health was barely used at all in those days. You defend your life and your honor, to defend your health was unheard of. Healthcare the way we know today wasn't invented yet.

I love his concept of emotional interception of your opponent so doesn't it makes sense to intercept your own emotions? Today we call this emotional intelligence. The more you know about your self the better you can defend your self. Recognizing emotions and understanding the causes and consequences of those emotions helps your defense. It helps to label emotions with precise words so you can regulate and express them better. When Bruce Lee says it's hard to honestly express yourself it's an interesting turn of phrase. Generally we're pretty busy with this task of expressing ourselves in any best way we can, worrying about if it's honest is not the first concern. I guess that's exactly his point. 

Working on your emotional intelligence is not something you do on Thursdays at 3 p.m. It’s about infusing the concept into everything that happens. This psychology has been around since Sun Tzu so it's seems strange that today it's controversial. I guess that's not new either, meditation techniques, mind body control, martial arts, Buddhist eastern practices, have all come under fire from the West for centuries. I consider Jeet Kune Do in front of all that hooplah, its ahead of everything, it's direct, the core of your defense, life or death, no time or room for politics at that stage. It's a very small window.    

Change happens slowly right up until it happens quickly. When everything is calm and relaxing, life is good, and there are no real problems—no one really thinks about emotional intelligence. But when you are threatened people start taking emotional intelligence seriously. Everything is activated. Everyone is easily triggered and people are worrying about their safety and their future. One of the  strategies for this is to just know about it. A problem well stated is half solved.

Cognitive activity is related to a form of signals that travel through the air towards you and into your body as electrical psychological message (signals) traveling at various speeds on series of cable-like pathways through an organic analog network. So to speak. You need to "intercept" that message. Intercept these signals.

Depending on the type, the neural impulse travels at speed ranging from 2 miles per hour to, super fast 200+ miles per hour. But even this speed is 3 million times slower than the speed of electricity through a wire.

The psychological messages can travel through the air, once they become physical, like if you touch something the impulse travels through the nerve network to the brain at a rate of 350 feet per second. Some kinds of pain signals travel slowly. If you stub your toe, you feel the pressure right away because touch signals travel at 250 feet per second. But you won't feel the pain for another two or three seconds, because pain signals generally travel only two feet per second.

Before the 1960's nobody took health seriously. It was just another side issue, if you made it to Friday you were healthy. Socio economic political cultural religious agendas have hijacked our health. Now we are trying to figure out all the things that ruin our health. 

Health Literacy is not taught in school. How do you know what to do? You can't do everything but you can do everything you can do. You choose certain choices and sometimes certain choices choose you. Your body is just like a motor. You wouldn't put the wrong type of fuel in your Car, so why would you do that to your body?

Evel Knievel is right when he says your body is an engine. How can you talk about driving when you have no idea when the oil was changed, why the transmission makes noises, the brakes squeak, pistons are knocking but all you want to do is complain about your driving experience. This is what doctors deal with every day. Some guy comes in complaining about heartburn but all he eats is garbage food yet he can't figure it out. You can't have it both ways. The doctor gives you statin drugs to "transition." They're not supposed to be your new normal so you can continue going down the wrong road. That's what Evel Knievel said about using Nitro in engine fuel.

Your mind is a similar dynamic. Why wouldn't it be? If you have no idea how to listen to (more importantly NOT listen to) your body, well then of course you're going to be lost. It's a form of cognitive dissonance. The grifter trolls out there know the "cure" for this is only listen to what you want to be told. And sold. You get fleeced all the while voting against your own self interest. The natural tendency is to make everything all about you.

Cognitive Science

How can we manage our health defense when our mind hides from us how it works? It's silly to not listen to the little bit you get. We live only in the top thin layer. All the other layers are on auto-pilot. The mind is guiding us, steering things, telling us when to want, when to pay attention, but you don't see everything. Information is sorted out for us on the lower layers. How much do you know about your self? Sometimes your spouse or partner can see something in you before you do. Facebook, Google, Amazon, YouTube, they can see things in you before you do because they bother to track it. Then they sell it. You get nothing. You are a product. Social media uses "behavior engineers" that feed you. To keep you in "engagement." You could track your every move and predict your own behaviors the same way they do. It's just not practical. You can skip all that hassle if you just learn how to look at your self. This is very difficult to do all by yourself. If you didn't know you won't know it.

Walking around town life seems so fully formed. Every day is so new it's difficult to see most of life is spent wondering what just happened. Who has time to track all that? They do. And they do and they don't tell you. Worse yet they don't give us a cut of the action. I joined Facebook way back in the beginning. Right away I complained they weren't giving me royalties even though I had a fake name and fake information. Jaron Lanier says we should quit all social media and hide under the couch. I think we've past that opportunity. For example Facebook is all over you even if you never touched the program. We just have to be more aware of the way things are now. This is a new battlefield where the military and the civilians are becoming the same target.      

Your worst enemy is the element of surprise. To defeat that enemy don't be surprised.
  - Bruce Lee

Health Is The New Wealth

How do we use Jeet Kune Do ten years from now? 40 years from now? If you had to pick one -POWER or PREDICTABILITY, which would you choose? Hollywood would have you picking Power every time. Fighting Action Fighting Action. That's what everybody wants. Power sounds good but it's not predictable. With predictability you get power, for free, it's like two for one. It's like intercepting. Predictability is about the path you're on. Power is about Obstacles. Power leads to always wanting (needing) more. A better pursuit is to seek predictability, for then life is no longer about obstacles, it's all about which "paths" to take. Life is about paths. In everyday life it's not a clear cut choice. Always use power, but only after you first tried to use predictability. Predictability is a form of interception. Fight without fighting. All the references you see about intercepting are about the opponent, his technique or his intent. What if you focus on "intercepting" your self? That's what I call Total Health Defense. 

We typically think of health as going on a diet. Something important to think about is Fasting. Even when you do it for one day it is important. Because it makes your body go into Repair mode.

Learning Fake News for Kids

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of Contents

You Can't Do Everything But You Can Do Everything You Can

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter SEVEN

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Episode I

Episode II

Episode III

Episode IV

Episode V

Episode VI

Episode VII

Episode VII